TGF CALI & A Happy HOT Friday!

Janine J.
on 6/19/08 8:53 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Happy HOT & SIZZLING TGIF to all the people in Cali!!! I heard the weather person say that yesterday was that full day of spring...could have fooled me with 119 degrees, I would have thought it was last summer here in the desert! SweatyAva and I were only pool pigs for about 10 minutes yesterday..... In The Poolbut at last.....we had to get out after only 10 minutes. I had her lathered to hilt with 50 block...hat..but it was just plain miserable out there....thankfully and we all say's a dry heat. Irony of it is when you get out of the pool even when it is hot like get goose bumps because the evaporaton process is so quick!

So little Miss Ava is a houseguest. She has been with me since about noon yesterday...can you say crankypants? Yep that sweet baby is a crankypants some days....she got me up about an hour ago....usually she sleeps the night, but her mom said lately no. Thanks! LOL She is going to be spending the night again on Saturday as her mothers step brother is getting married. Lucky me!

Today I go get Mr. Hunterpants (my new nickname for him) and spend the afternoon with him....I guess you can say I am in full swing of being a grandma eh? I told Jeff that after he gets picked up....I think I deserve a night out on the town....besides bought this new is so cool and as special meaning to me because when I tried it on a couple of months ago, I could not zip it all the way. Well the other day, I was in the store and it was on sale...I thought let me try it just to see if I can zip it now....well I did and bought it for 40% off. It is as my dil says...a Sarah Jessica Parker kind of fitted in the bodice with stays (you know those things in your bra) throughout the entire bodice.... makes me have a wow moment!!!

So kids....what is on your agenda for the weekend? I know stay cool...record breaking weather for sure...but what is fun and exciting? Scrap the chores...have some fun...isn't that what life is all about? Get those litle fingers busy and lets all live vicariously through each other!


PEACE OUT! Biker Babe 


On a footnote:

Where is Jodi?

Jen get that letter off for was awesome and you will continue to be in my prayers for various reasons.

Candi.....I am so happy for you that you are having the tt with the girl are going to look even more fab.

Monica're the HOTTEST chick in LB by a far shot....can you say CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!sizzle girl!

Katt..hope you are taking care of yourself...I feel so bad for you with a broken ankle...hope you're drinking and sippin!

Steve....did you get a tally on the weight loss for the week? Glad your week has picked up...oh yeah I am going to order the iPhone too!

Diane C....hope you are feeling better!

That goes for you too Sue....I know life has been miserable health wise....sounds like you are getting back on track.

Oh Catt....friggin awesome wl this week!

Jill I hope you are not in too much pain having that tooth pulled!

And finally I will shut my mouth/fingers.....I can't remember everything...but know that I care about all of you and.....................................

THE MYSTERY BOX SETS SAIL TODAY!I am not telling who gets it first, only that I am sending it to the furthest place away from me and it will work its way down the state! Please post when you receive the box...all of you...not the contents....just you received it and mailed it! I am excited! Bounce  Bounce  Bounce 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jeni H.
on 6/19/08 10:10 pm
Good morning Janine and Calif Friends!  Happy, Happy Friday!!! We made it! Thanks again for all of your help and input Janine, I appreciate it! I cannot imagine 119 degrees at all..............I think I would go hide in the freezer!  lol I'm hoping for some quiet time with my hubby this weekend.  I've been pretty weird this week and the poor guy still loves the heck out of me! What do you call that?  Crankypants?  Yep!  Me and Miss Ava both crankypants!  lol I just want to kinda de-stress, mellow out and enjoy life this weekend, of course that will be after house cleaning, laundry, and all that fun junk! I hope you all have a great, great day and weekend!  Good advice, drink, and sip!!! Love, Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Steve J.
on 6/19/08 10:17 pm, edited 6/19/08 10:19 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Sizzling Friday for sure Janine!   Hot  It's to be 107 here in San Bernardino today so I wonder if you guys in the lower desert will pop 120?  Can't do nothing about the heat except cope. But I am so glad I have lost the weight as I don't suffer anywhere near as much now and that is a wonderful aspect and blessing of having had WLS!!!  Thumbs Up  Nothing much on the agenda for D and I this weekend. Hope to get some gardening in in the mornings before it gets too hot to be out in the sun but we'll see how that goes. We need to give our bicycles a tune up and bath and try to actually use them. That's a goal for us. We've been using the stationary bike the last month or so. How bout that... us, exercising? Good on us!  The WWW reported total for this week was -30.6 pounds. Well time to sign in to Bank of America and get the bills paid so I will say bye for now. Wishing you, and all the Cali Crew a Fabu Friday and remind everyone, especially those newly out, to keep that H2O nearby and keep sippng all day!  Big Hug  Hugs And Kisses Kisses 


on 6/19/08 10:44 pm - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali Crew!

Yes, blistering heat in the desert! 118 in my neck of the desert! I even had to finish up some outdoor product shots at 4 p.m. Thank God I'm a light-weight now, as if I had to do this at my old weight I would have had heat stroke for sure!

All is well, working and working out. Getting ready for my surgery on the 4th. Boy, this week sure whipped by! The date is nearing! So NOT looking forward to feeling like cr@p and low energy. I see sponge baths in my future, ARGGG!!! And hope I'm not one of those in swell hell. Must follow Dr.s orders and not do too much as I want to recover quickly.

Going to a friends farewell party tonight, yep my bud (Brian) is moving out of state. More and more friends are going through drastic life changes this year (personally and professionaly). I knew this would be a year of awesome change... but just how awesome is surprising!!!

Happy Friday ALL!
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
Chris S.
on 6/19/08 11:07 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning all . . .and I sure feel for you people inland!  It's going to be warm here today - but no where near what you have to deal with!  Today is our company's third community service day - and we will be painting a house inside and out for Father Joe's charities . . . so I'm GLAD it's not as hot here as you have in the deserts! Nothing else major for the weekend - my daughter is off wor****il at least the 30th with her shingles - I'm getting the shingles shot Monday morning . . . have to pick it up from the pharmacy and take it to the doctors office for them to give it to me. Have a great weekend everyone! Chris

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 6/19/08 11:16 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali and definately a sizzling TGIF. It hit a 104 at the beach here yesterday adn today is supposed to be a bit warmer. I don't mind so much as I was so cold after WLS but my poor hubby and lil Sammi are dying. It was hard for everyone to get to sleep yesterday and Sammi was a bit of a crankypants too. Luckily, the bulding I work in is air conditioned so I don't have to worry about the heat for several hours. This weekend is the Pismo Beach car show and I think my Mom, Sammi and I will head down for a walk and look at the cars. Also thinking about taking Kandy dog down to check out the ocean. Well, quickly running out of time again this morning. Hope everyone has a great day. Stay cool and drink tha****er! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Sharon Johnson
on 6/19/08 11:19 pm - Marina, CA
TGIF TGIF At least I don't have to report to the office this morning but I do get to spend my day at a seminar for Rules and Regs on Collection Laws 2008.  When I told Stefanie she said she would PASS just way to much excitement there for her.  The way that I look at it is job security.  We had a lady from the disrict office stop buy the office yesurday wanting to know what the time table was for working just one of my account (the entering process into all of my spreads) and it is generally between 2-5 minutes for each account that I have to enter times by 800.  Luckily I had printed out all of my spreads because the end of the fiscal year is coming.  She was impressed with the amount of detail that I have.  I need to finish my coffee and start my day.  Janine stay cool, can't image that kind of heat, can we say MELT!!! Have a great day everyone,  Sharon

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

on 6/19/08 11:21 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali, Last day Last day Last day.  Think i'm excited.   So going to just kick back and do nothing but throw everything away in my room.  My mom is bring Jordyn to visit for a bit.  Stupidly they have a final staff meeting scheduled for 1:30 when the kids leave at 12:12.  So there is no early out. Everyone enjoy the day. Monica

on 6/19/08 11:42 pm - Petticoat Junction, CA

 Good Morning     

It's FridayHave A Nice Day

 Weekend BBQ  K E  Y BO  R D  B R  O K  E

Can You Make A Mistake And Miss Your Fate?

vicki M.
on 6/20/08 12:07 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
Morning, Hope everyone has a great day today.  I will be stuck in Camp Rock/Jonas Brother hell tonight (for those with tween girls, may get this).  My daughter is having some friends over to watch this show on the Disney Channel tonight.  Oye..... How fun for you to have your grandbabies, Janine!!  I know that this is something that KILLS my mom that she can't do anymore since we moved away.  Enjoy every second. Later!
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

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