on 6/19/08 3:28 am - South Orange County, CA
Great post and Happy Birthday, Jill! Love the new haircut! Now, please take care of those teeth and YOU, ya hear! Rock
Marathon Diva
on 6/19/08 3:52 am - CA

Good Morning Beautiful Cali Crew

Bay Area's Hottest Mom Contest is over tomorrow.  I started not to really care about it anymore.  It was too much work trying to hustle votes.  I have so much catching up to do because of the crazy semester I just had AND I start Summer Classes AGAIN on Monday and I'm just trying to relax and have a stress free last couple of days. Hugs!

 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


Katt M.
on 6/19/08 3:59 am, edited 6/19/08 4:01 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Jillie and Cali Crew. Happy Birthday Jillie!!! Hope the dentist isn't too bad. The ankle hurts a lot, but I've been staying off of it as much as possible. I am in a wheelchair because crutches are evil. Thank God for Vicodin...lol Hope everyone has a great day. =) Oh, if you missed the story about the broken ankle, I posted it on my blog/profile... =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Sharon Johnson
on 6/19/08 4:12 am - Marina, CA
Good Morning Jillie and the rest of Cali Crew- Things are going pretty good.  My husband received a serverence (sp) pay check yesturday and we have heard from unemployment.  The check is going to come in handy and I have already paid bills for this next month.  I got his resume up on Caljobs yesturday and printed out two jobs for him to take a look at.  We are also looking into him going back to school for electrician.  He doesn't know how to operate a computer and only knows the basics about office work.  He has mostly always worked with his hands and done mainenance as well as laying carpet.  The severance check will push back the unemployment but we are to get the stimulus check in the first week of July, so we will be okay until at least the end of July if not the end of August.  I am not pushing him on getting to active in looking for a job, he really needs some time to get his head on straight and not be so mad.  He is actually more worried about me and how I am handling the situation because of my anxiety attacks, but suprisingly I am handling it okay.  My daughter got a full time job that started last Sunday working graveyards at the local hotel, it will sure save on gas and they said that she could study too.  She is doing much better because now she is not worried about loosing her car.  She starts pharmacy tech school in July.  We received my sons report card and at least he has a 3.22 gpa and he is retaking algebra for the summer to make up the credits for not passing algebra during the school year.  All in all I can't complain.  Have a great day, Sharon

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

on 6/19/08 4:42 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA

All is well and busy with work and running around doing too many things. I'm getting my rest in so all is good.


highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 6/19/08 4:45 am - Petticoat Junction, CA

Happy Birthday Jillie!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and that the next year is filled with love, laughter, and good health!! I have been unable to post all week since one of my cats spilled ice tea all over my laptop! My keyboard only halfa$$ works and it's ******g me off! This is the SECOND laptop my cats have done this too so my next one will be covered in plastic! I'm using my husbands computer but we have an agreement that he doesn't touch mine and I don't touch his because invariably something goes wrong if we mess with each others. LMAO Have a FANTASTIC FUN FILLED BIRTHDAY!!!!! SUSAN

Can You Make A Mistake And Miss Your Fate?

on 6/19/08 5:32 pm - Ellensburg, WA
                                                                                                                                                                    Dear Jillie!!!         party-time     best-wishes Sorry I'm late, hope you had a wonderful day sweetie!!!  biggest hugs, Becky                                                                                                   

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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