I am so very pleased with Dr. Kent....
Kim you look great and listen to Sheryl about the pillows....I had to raise mine too to keep comfortable, but as far as the pain...breeze...it is uncomfortable but you are not having muscle work done so it is way easier. I have had my done twice...one was a scar revision and I love that I have slim arms...something I never had.
You will have difficulty for a perios of time raising your arms high. Like for sure have things down where you can reach them and also you are going to need some help maybe with washing and drying your hair. Thankfully my dil is hairdresser and would do it for me through all my surgeries.
Things to remember: have things in reach....going to a bit difficult at first even reach for a cup in a cabinet and GET THOSE PILLOWS!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).