I am so very pleased with Dr. Kent....

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/08 8:51 am - Garden Grove, CA
RNY on 08/10/04 with
I would have never heard of him had it not been for this board. Thanks so much for those of you who gave me his name and told me he is wonderful! He worked miracles! I just can't believe it. \ For those who don't know, I had 8 lbs removed off my tummy with a full tummy tuck on Friday. I also had neck liposuction done at the same time. I go back to him on July 23 for an arm lift with bilateral back skin taken off. I am so excited.  If you want to see his work, click here...... http://www.makemeheal.com/pictures/viewAlbum.php?albumid=623 5 Again, thanks everyone who told me about him!
on 6/18/08 9:41 am - Duarte, CA
I'm so happy you are pleased with his work.  Your tummy will just get better and better as the swelling goes down.  He is the BOMB!!! JudyAnne(whoissittingrightnowinherfirstbikiniever)

 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

Sheryl in So Cali
on 6/18/08 10:34 am - San Clemente, CA
Yep, he's the bestest.  And Kim, you are now oficially a Dr Kent doll! Congrats on your weight loss and PS. Before you get your arms done I suggest you get two small pillows to rest your arms on.  I went to Wally World and got 2 small pillows (about $2 each) in the fabric section and wrapped a soft hand towel around each one.  That allowed me to adjust each arm comfortably. Sheryl

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/08 10:49 am - Garden Grove, CA
RNY on 08/10/04 with

Thanks so much for the advice...I dont know anyone who has had their arms done....how does it feel? How does it compare to the tummy tuck? I am also having some back fat, outside the arm pit removed during the arm lift....so that makes me nervous. He said it will be a 6 hours surgery. I have faith that it will look great, just worried about recovery....how was yours?

on 6/18/08 11:37 am - Duarte, CA
Sheryl has fabulous arms!!! JudyAnne(whoislovedmorebydoctorkentthaneitherofyou)

 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

Sheryl in So Cali
on 6/18/08 1:53 pm - San Clemente, CA
Kim I was so worried about the arms too.  Except for the inability to lift or reach, I had very little pain, thanks to my Vicoden.  Take the pain meds for the first few days, even if you feel you don't need them, you do.  I worried for no reason at all.  It will take you a little time to adjust to what you can and can't do but do not overdo it. Usually he does not put drains or compression garments on the arms so that is a plus.  You arms will feel tight, almost like they have been stitched.  It is hard to describe but there is no pain to speak of.  I did have to go in for aspirations on the inside of my right elbow, but that was only for a couple of weeks and again, no pain. Not having 6 - 8 inches of batwings is absolutely marvelous!  Short sleeves, no sleeves, yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  The scar is still fading and unless you raise your arms above your head, no one will see them.  He places the incision so it is hidden.  He truly is amazing. Please feel free to email me with any questions. Sheryl (anddon'tlistentojudyanne'sbabbling!helikesmebest)

on 6/20/08 2:35 am - Garden Grove, CA
Sheryl, I belive I am in need of an aspiration. I have a little hard ball right under my skin kinda feels like a marble on my right arm just below the elbow at the end of the stitching. Dr. Kent told me he could do the aspiration but it was small enough that he thought it would go away, but six weeks later it's still here. Can you tell me is this kinda like what yours was, a little hard ball? and how long did it take to go away? Thanks, Kristin
Sheryl in So Cali
on 6/20/08 6:56 am - San Clemente, CA
Kristen No little hard ball for me.  It was a big ole sloshy pouch of liquid.  Six weeks is early.  You can take up to a year for all the little imperfections to be absorbed.  Patience........ Sheryl

on 6/18/08 1:31 pm - Anaheim, CA
See I told you that you would be very happy with your results.  You look great! Good luck on your arm lift, that is next on my list along with the b/a. You will have to post pictures so we can see how great  you will look.  You are right he is a Wizard!  Kathy
on 6/18/08 7:38 pm - CA
you look grat!  i think i'm going to have to go see dr. kent once i get to the needing plastics point of things.  (i'm still pre-op rny).  where is he located?
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