long beach coffee group????
Hey it's Kristen the wls girl formerly known from CA, now in MO....I'm coming for a visit Jul 6th thru the 16th and wanted to see if anyone wanted to join for drinks Fri OR Sat anywhere, esp near hermosa or redondo on July 11 or 12th?
Or coffee on the 13th???
I miss you all so much and hope to get to see some of my old friends again!
xoxo xKristen
Its hard to get to coffee too often with a toddler in tow, so I don't really know too many of the new folks in person either. You should email Stacie, Marta and whomever else you used to know to see if they can come too. I don't know how many other "oldies" are on anymore, not many.... Let me know what you get set up! -Donna
I've been gone for nearly THREE YEARS (wah) and I never made it to a LB coffee get together. I'm from Bakersfield but tried to get around for lots of events. Being central, I used to have get togethers at my house twoce a year....then we moved.
I hope to see as many people as possible this trip! Can't wait to meet you.