Good Morning Calif........
Sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner, we've been out of town on vacation. I thought that I had sent you a message saying that she was last vaccinated in Nov. 2006 according to my records. Our vet said that she was good for a few more years, he doesn't believe in over-vaccinating the small dogs. She was however de-wormed the first of this year (I do it automatically 2 time a year, with all the dogs I find it a preventive measure) Sorry to hear about her ear, perhaps the day I washed her I go****er in it, I try really hard not to but sometimes it happens anyway! Sorry about that! Oh, by the way she had her teeth cleaned last in Nov. 2006 also.
I hope that she is behaving for you and learning all the new rules quickly. She really is a good and loving dog. Has she been doing better with you on the leash? We didn't really need to use it much with her, she mostly just followed along. Perhaps she is out of practice. But keep with her, she is smart and learns quickly. We all miss her here, but we know that she is in a great home with you.
I will keep in tou*****ase you have more questions! Sorry again about the delay in getting the info to you, I really had thought I sent it to you before we left.
Sincerely, Lisa
Hello Lisa....
Thank you for getting back to me. If it would not be to much trouble, can I have a copy of her shot record and her rabie cert??
She is wonderful on the leash now. No problems but you are right she is better off leash, then on, but she is good. She is still learn the new rules, but she is a FAST learner. I only have to tell her something once or twice, then she has it. Don't mean she does it, but she does know it. LOL
The ear thing is not a big deal. She has droopy ears. And with the heat, poof, yukky ear. It cleaned up fast, now I just need to keep it dry and clean. No biggy. Since her teeth where just cleaned, I am hoping that I wont have to take her bad. I will call and ask the vet.
She is the funnest dang drop kick around. Keeps me laughing all the time. And she is a snuggle bug for sure. I can not thank you enough for her. Even if she has a lop sided smile....LOL
Oh, I got her a new ID tag, do you want yours back? Just give me your address and I will get it posted to you.
Have a great night.