OT - Tornado that hit the Boy Scout camp
Hello, What is the difference in your photos or there's. A tornado can and dose a lot of damage. Your picture only shows the tornado touching down. Where's the rest of the pictures that show the after math??? I assume that I should not believe you either. It could be altered. I guess I am a FOOLLLLLLLLLL! If you where not finding this tragedy then why would you put the laugh out load. You where very disrespectful to the other persons on this site and the victims families. Thank you for apology to everyone.
LL .. . thanks so much . . . this got so blown out of what I was just trying to share. I'm very sorry about it. My friend that originally sent the pic to me said HER friend checked with the newspaper where the pic came from. It was indeed an actual tornado in Iowa - just not at the boy scout camp . . . but she said it was the same tornado. I was just trying to share - but I think I'll keep things like that to myself from here on out.