Ahhhhhh, camping!
Well, I am back from camping. A whole week spent in Fort Bragg. Goodness it was fun! I had to blast back for my WLS seminar. That was totally worth the drive back! I have an appointment on Tuesday with the nurse counselor, hopefully the nutritionist later this week and then also getting my labs done. Had been thinking about Lap-Band but after the seminar, some consultations with people who have had each and a long conversation with my husband, we have decided to go RNY. Lifestyle issues mainly. RNY fits better with my goals for the rest of my life.
Back to camping - I managed to lose 8 lbs! Must have been all that fresh air, naps and walks on the beach! Getting my butt up out of my work chair for a week must have helped (I'm a Foreman's Construction Clerk for a major utility) We spent 4 hours on Saturday flying a kite! Along with 100's of other people. Seeing all the kites high in the air, all the various types of kites. Mine was a Dragon Kite from Costco and it was awsome!
I have another whole week off to take care of all these appointments, make 6 blankies for a Make-A-Wish Charity acution (the last 3 brought in $225!!!!) and more walking, water and appointments.