I can't take much more..
Hi Sue. I read your post and all I can say is hang in there girl!!!I know your story. Before I was like you too. Knee pain, breathing thing and low energy. I at first after the surgery I was great then as time has gone on I have become a germ magnet. I have not had anything too major but as a WLS person I often feeel like I take longer to recover. My labs are always great and my vitamins do get taken so like you I have no idea. All I can offer is I know you must be fustrated. I know you love that little curly headed Sammi doll and want to run around with her!!! I hope that whatever all this stuff is that has been taking over takes a hike and leaves you alone soon!!!WE should be heading your way soo. Let ya know.~Anici P.S. My husband has now officially taught the children to do laundry because he was tired of doing it while I was sick. OH and every fast food joint within 10 minutes has been hit by my family...twice!!!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159