Good Morning California - Happy Thursday
Hello all. Happy Thursday to you all. I had internet problems last night so I couldn’t do what I wanted to do so you all will just have to settle for a shout out without the extra trimmings. Blame it on AT&T/Yahoo DSL :-(
Here we go:
Living Life Lu – Great job on running those two miles. It is such a pain to get started when you are tired, but once you get going, it is all worth it. Have a fantastic day today, even if it is at work.
Jendenni – You will find the track again. My friend told me it was the very best thing she ever did when she had her hysterectomy. I keep on after my doc but she keeps sayin no, no, no! How rude! We will be pulling for you that you find the track again and start chugging along again.
Catt – Hi you beautiful crazy MILF. When I was skinnier, my boys’ friends told him I was a MILF and he came home and told me. I didn’t know what it was, then I found out! I guess maybe I could be called a bloated MILF now LOL LOL LOL
Steve – Yippee! You didn’t lose. I am happy for that because we don’t want you disappearing before our eyes. Are you interested in seeing Sex and the City. I have never seen it but am thinking about going to it with a girlfriend Saturday.
Jean – Who cares what the scale says. If you feel thinner, you ARE thinner, like how that favorite outfit makes you feel? Isn’t that an indescribable feeling? I hope your trip to
Sue (taz) – Sorry you caught the Sammi bug. Isn’t I wonderful what our children give us…..NOT!! Take care of your self and try to rest in between working fulltime and being a mom. HA HA HA HA
Chris S – Congrats to your daughter on her milestone. That is terrific. What is her master’s in? Good luck on getting back on track. You CAN do it!!
Kim – Thanks for checking in. Have a wonderful Thursday!!
Gus – short, but sweet and to the point. Happy Thursday to you and beautiful Anna.
Madame Butterfly – I went through the cannot stop losing phase too and trust me, it will end. You will taper out. Just don’t go overboard when it happens like I did. Happy Thursday!!
Lisa from
Ms Shell – Another loss!!! Yahoo for you!! I think I saw pictures of you form the
Katt – Keep on working it, girl. You are a superstar, even if you are gonna vote for walnut cheeks (lol!!!!)
Jaime – You are looking good, at least in your avatar. I am just about four and a half years out and the body image thing is still off to me.
Becky – Aunt Flo is probably the cause of it all. She does so darn much damage but I sure would rather have her than the alternative of a bambino in the oven!! I am done birthing my kids, you know what I mean? LOL!!
Laura – Hi there! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Do the people at TOPS know you had WLS and if they do, what is their reaction to it? Just curious. Happy Thursday.
Kelly – SIX POUNDS!!!! WOW!!! I think you get the star of the week on that one. That will surely help us have a great overall loss! Keep it up!
Well, that’s all folks and Elmer Fudd would say. Have a great Thursday and remember that the weekend is so close we can taste it. Yes, it is sugar free, fat free and has approximately 30 grams of protein.
Hello Jillie
Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great day. I am in my last few days O'school and enjoying every momen**** an enjoyable year!
I have to say yesterday's weather was super weird and at times cold brrrr today is supposed to be warm watever just like SoCa to play the weather game in May/June.
Anywho peeps enjoy the day and please take the time to do what you need to do today to remain a weight loss ROCKSTAR SUCCESS!
Happy Thursday