Dr. Kent tummy tuck question.....
Hi There,
I had a TT/BL with Dr. Kent last June and I beleive the whole process
was about six hours. Don't worry about the drains they really aren't
bad at all. I came home with four, two in my breast and two in my
tummy area. Depending on the amount of fluid that you have the
drains will come out pretty fast. If you have any questions just call
his office, Norma his nurse is great and she will be able to answer
all your questions. After surgery I was taken to a home that Dr. Kent
uses for an overnight stay. I was treated very good, however I barley
remember the ride getting there! My husband wanted to visit me that
evening and that was something they did not allow. It was probably
for the best anyway, I slept on and off most of the day!
Good luck with your surgery, you will be thirlled with your results.