Whacky Weigh-In Wednesday-Just In Case....
Well, I finally got my courage up to come back to the board. I have not lost any more weight in TWO MONTHS! I am happy with my weight loss so far, but I really should be further by now. I guess I have to go to the gym more regularly and sweets have been a problem for me again. (It was better when I was dumping them) Also my hair is extremely thin. Yes, I am depressed.
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Hi Steve and Calif friends!!! Well you can put me down for 1.6 lbs. this week. and 6 pounds for last week if that still counts! I am at 209.6 lbs now, only 64lbs to go! Now can I have my WLS???
A "nothing by mouth diet" can make you lose!!! hehehehe Not a way I like to do it though.
Well I'm sure I get to go back to work tomorrow after I see the doctor today..... No more sleeping in.
You all have a great day! It's pretty windy today so don't get Blown Away!!!
Thought I would jump in... last Monday I stared with the 5 day pouch test at 172 pounds. I am at 158 this morning and feeling pretty damn good about being in control again. I decided to regain contorl of myself and after the 5 days, I have stayed on track. I think 160-165 is good for me but I was tickled when I saw 158. Ugh.. back to work. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
Lurker Lauren
Good morning Steve and Cali Crew. I am down 3 lbs. from last week for a total of 24 lbs. lost since surgery and 34 lbs lost from my highest weight. Woohoooo!!! =)
~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~