My, goodness, Girl...Love your ***** and continued posturing!
Look at you.. A year out, or very nearly so, and you're a testament of success in your weight loss achievements. You look terrific by the way! "Hot "even, if you'll permit a personal observation, and yes, it is sincere and most well deserved. Congratulations!
But given your remarkable, enviable weight loss, it would seem obvious, your ego and need for projection has not undergone a similar transformation.
Let me be crystal clear here....!
The fact you would even entertain the notion what you do or say would ever cause me to hold you at a level of IMPORT to try an engineer driving you away from this board, or that of any other forum, demonstrates a level of SELF-PERCEIVED, SELF-IMPORTANCE beyond anyone in recent memory at my experience level, and I deal with Attorneys and Doctors routinely. Talk about egos!
Franky, missy, we're mostly in agreement. Research is key for all those contemplating WLS, but you called into question my very integrity, motivation and my choice of surgery and cast me aside with everyone who elected to choose my surgery type. Doing so without proper foundation, dearest, and you are asking for, at the very least, my reasoned reply. Please be advised, I was rather gentile with you and I can be formidable combatant when I perceive there is just cause... Intellectually speaking.... Come after me to a fight armed with no more than a pen knife and I'll enjoy the savoring at requalifying in my expert designation as a marksman in small arms. Personally, I like both forms of weaponries but, I'll likely like drop an opponent with a "single" well placed center shot. Knifes generally lose out to firearms, dearest...
Further, how is it "I" might be responsible for making you look bad??? Goodness, girl, I do more than MY fair share of misdeeds and make every effort to take responsibility and make amends for them. So how is it by virtue of your words and deeds am I now saddled with being responsible for your behavior??? Phew! That's ONE healthy projected leap! Not terribly uncommon, though, where it would seem nearly everyone in this liberal society wishes to place blame on anyone or thing other than their OWN behavior!
But as stated, I really like your ***** and don't have a lot more time to debate issue. But fear not, dear lady... You have expressed an interest in restating your viewpoints and I couldn’t be more pleased. There are couple thousand hits on your comments and that of mine on a post to the main board which, via moderation, has now been transferred to the R&R board. Do please be my guest...
Continued success and thank you for your contributions...