Updates on CA Reconstructive Surgery Legal Battles
To recap: I am fighting with Health Net on two fronts, both of which will set the stage for future actions against other insurers in CA. The issue is a never-enforced 1999 CA statute that mandates coverage for reconstructive surgery for patients having “abnormal structures of the body” “caused by a disease” for whom reconstructive surgery can “improve appearance to the extent possible” and where that improvement is “more than minimal” – with NO REQUIREMENT FOR MEDICAL NECESSITY for surgery. This is exactly the situation most of us who have been MO have after massive weight loss
In the DMHC: I won my grievance back in December, arguing that HN’s denial of my request for pre-certification based on lack of medical necessity was illegal. The DMHC ordered HN to pre-certify my surgeries, and HN REFUSED. The Enforcement Division of the DMHC has instituted an audit of HN’s records, which is currently underway. Also, the DMHC has instructed their Independent Medical Review contractors (CHDR) about the CA law, and they will NOT uphold a denial based on lack of medical necessity. This is not yet reflected in the DMHC decisions posted on their website, but not that many people appeal, because the plastic surgeons tell them it won’t do any good. I anxiously await seeing the results of the first application of this new policy.
In my class action lawsuit: there was a hearing yesterday (5/16) on HN’s motions to have the lawsuit dismissed or stayed. They tried to argue that (1) I had no damages to recover, because I haven’t had surgery (!!), and (2) that since the DMHC (the regulatory agency that controls them in CA) is investigating their treatment of patients requesting reconstructive surgery (see above), there is no need for the class action suit. Of course, both of those arguments are ridiculous – the class action suit is not a regulatory action, it is a suit for unfair competition, and we are trying to get not only compliance with the law in the future, but reimbursement for anyone who has been denied coverage since 1999. From what I understand, everything went our way in the hearing, except the judge wants an amended pleading showing why past harms (to people who went ahead and self-paid after getting denied) can be addressed by this suit. Most importantly, the judge ordered written discovery, which means HN is now going to have to do a whole bunch of really annoying and expensive work to produce documents and medical records of everyone *****quested reconstructive surgery for the last 9 years, which will amply demonstrate their failure to comply with this law. Pardon me if I enjoy this thought just a little bit!
If you are contemplating reconstructive surgery, please contact me by PM with your email address, and I will send you a template letter for your plastic surgeon to personalize to your case for submitting to the insurance company – it tracks the language of the CA statute and makes it easier for the DMHC to overturn any denials. I will also send you a copy of the document the DMHC is using (a “TAG”) as a guide for the audit of the insurance companies – it was supposed to be a confidential document, but Health Net submitted it in my class action suit to try to get the judge to dismiss the suit, so now it is available to anyone to see how the DMHC is interpreting the statute!
Hi Diane,
I am only 4 months out, but am actively following your case. If I can help at all, please let me know.
Good luck!
Highest 6/98: 289 1st consult 9/07: 260 5'11"
WLS 1/7/08: 234 Lowest 8/08: 164.5
Currently pregnant! Due November 27th, 2009!