Out of control....pre op ????
Well, first of all that being out of control got alot of in the position we were/are in. But the bottom line you behaved until you were approved and now you are out of contol again. You still need to be afraid of gaining mor wt preop too. Will your surgeon cancel your surgery if you go up in wt? You know it is easier for the surgeon to do your surgery if you take off some wt though. The fat that is inside your abdomen that you cannot see and I can tell you on most of us it is aplenty. That can cover the inside of your abdomen and make it very difficult to see and also can affect our livers and make them vrey fatty. The more that we can do to reduce or risks the better off we are. There is not real need to have a last meal phenomena as the food will still be there when all is said and done. It became for me quality over quantity. Many people experience what you are going thru. Just brush yourself off and walk away the next time you eat is a new beginning. Best of luck to you Liz
The Many Faces of WLS
Hey Linda, I think we have all been there. I know I have. I took a "farewell tour" of all my favorite eating places, and then... I buckled down and followed my pre-op diet and pretty much I have stayed on track. Don't be too hard on yourself. Once you have your surgery and you start seeing and feeling the results, you will be able to resist any urge to stray. Note: I said pretty much stayed on track. I still indulge from time to time.
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick