Thank you!!! and more!!!
You guys are the best!!! I really want to thank you all for all the well wishes yesterday on Jeff and my anniversary!
Only in a place like this can you come to and get a lot of love, support and encouragement...made me feel really good!
Jeff and I had a quiet evening....fine by me as I was so tired....running on empty in the sleep department for sure. We plan on doing something after I get out of school...haven't decided yet....but you know I will blab! LOL
On another note....a lot of you have been asking what kind of a food plan do I have going to lose th kind of weight I have been losing.
It is no big secret really....I am eating a low carb diet. I keep my carbs between 40-50 per day. I weigh and measure my food. I am prepared so I do not cave into grazing. I read labels. This is all something I could never do prior to wls and did not attempt to after wls. Hence the reason at 5 and a half years, I suddenly packed on weight.
I am telling you I felt like a true addict in that period when I lost control or the very little control I did have. Throughout the years since wls a lot of the times looking back I felt like I was always hanging on by a thread. I was not one of the lucky people who lost their appetite.....I have always felt hungry. I think the only time that I did not feel hungry is immediately after surgery and for a couple of days thereafter. Weird eh?
Okay now for the really sick part....when I was going through all the reconstructive surgery and this is no lie....I would eat and I had this attitude that it didn't matter because I knew there was going to be another operation and have it sucked how friggin sick is that? I told you I am an addict in the worst way!
I have taken what I learned and mostly on my own put all this into check for the first time in my life. Having the good fortune to have had a life saving operations and even the more good fortune to be able to have my body reconstructed....and for those of you who do not know this...everything was reconstructed with the exception of my neck and face....I finally came to the realization of what the hell am I doing to myself!
I have surpassed my lowest weight when I had my first reconstuctive surgery and plan to keep going. One thing that is hard now is that people go where are you going to lose it from? Well I am very tightly tucked and there is still fat under that tight skin that you do not see necessarily.
All I know is that I want to live healthy and I do not want food to be my albatros
Here is a typical day of food for me:
Light and Fit yogurt 3 carbs
1/2 strawberries 6 carbs
I will split a protien bar for snacks or a bit of jerky
lunch is protien...tuna, or whatever I have lefted over from dinner...but it is measured and it is 3oz. I also have either lettuce or the veggie does not exceed 11 is all about the amount...but all my veggies are green with exception of eating yellow or red bell peppers.
Dinner is about the same....3 oz of protien and a measured amount of veggies.
I do have when I getting antsy a diet pudding or in the cold months I had diet hot chocolate.
Every once and while I switch it around so my body does not get to use to the low carbs and increase it up to 60 for a few days, but still I do not add anything more than an extra serving of fruit or veggies.
I have not touched any bad carbs since I started losing weight with the exception of an occasional ****tail. OH yeah and LOTS of water and liquids!!
I hope this helps you guys who have been asking is nothing just works for me!!!
Again...thank you for all the well wishes yesterday!!!You guys are the best!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I too eat VERY little and watch EVERYTHING! I keep a running list on a post-it each day. I will smell food instead of eat it! High protein, low carbs. Food is fuel. Exercise, I can't live without. I'm always thinking health and life extension.
I just hit my 1 1/2 year mark this week.
"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me