What are you thankful for?

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
I have a lot to be thankful for this morning.
One, I a live, and still above ground. That is one of the best things ever.
Two. I have very good friends that love me just the way I am, they have no problem with all my trouble/problems.
Three. I have a job, that I love. even if I hate the hours, and I am darn good at it. It does pay the bills. LOL
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Before anyone thinks I am forgetting things. I am very thankful for my dr and all he has giving me. But my higher power is the one that showed me that path.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick