Ladies - I need some help
My chest is disappearing and I am now a member of the IBTC - Itty-Bitty-***** Commitee. I am in need of some bolt-ons. There are so many to choose from, where should I go for some nice ones? I'm not done loosing weight so it's a little premature to think about PS. Some retailer must sell something nice to get me though till I'm done losing weight. I saw some that had silicone inserts at Victoria Secrets - does anyone recommend those??
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
I am chairwoman of that committee! I used to be a 44DD, now, as I hang my head in shame, I am a 32B. Yes, it hurts to even say that. Becky is right, the Lane Bryand bras are fantastic. They are not cheap though, about $40.00 a pop, but they are very good ones. I cannot buy them anymore, the smallest size they carry is 36. I am now a 32, but try them if you are still in that size range.
The silicone inserts are fantastic. I wear them everyday. You can get them in many different sizes, and what I like about them is I can wear the cami's with built in bra, and wear them with that and nobody knows any better. I also wear them inside my regular bras to give me SOME (not much, but some) cleavage. I bought my sillies a little too small, so I will be buying another pair soon, but you should definately get some. You will love them.
Riverside, Ca.
higest/ goal