Dehydration.. Update
Ok so today was my follow up appointment and come to find out it was not dehydration that landed me in the ER. it was Low blood sugar.. The PA was so nice.. she kept asking if I was skipping meals and I kept telling her no.. she was not buying it.. then she says when I learn to just trust her and be honest then she is able to diagnose the problem. This sort of upset me.. I told her I am being honest I don't skip meals.. then it hits me.. like a slap across the face.. I tell her oh wait. .I am sorry I didnt even think about it but yes I have been fasting on Wednessdays.. she asks why I tell her for church.. with prayer of course.. she smiles and says how long.. I told her well only two weeks.. DUHHHH MARYLOUISE.. this is when all my symptoms first started. so she told me that as she does understand the value of prayer and fasting I am too soon out of surgery to be skipping any meals.. I told her ok I understand.. she was not buying it.. so she says.. do I need to write you a dr's note.. LOL.. I told her no I dont need a Dr's Note its a personal choice.. lol But I reassured her before I left that yes I would find something other than food to fast.. (like my computer).. on Wednesdays.. she was satisfied and sent me on my way.. I feel so much better getting down to the root of my problem. As she had said and the Dr in the ER as well, my electolytes were not low enough to cause fatigue like that... but low blood sugar.. oh yeah!!! So I guess I was not a bad girl after all..
Hey Brian.. thanks for that.. You know I was thinking about that verse (Isaiah 40:31) earlier today after meeting with the PA and you know.. I truelly believe that God is capable of anything.. even taking care of my fatigue.. very mixed on that one right now.. specially after reasuring a fellow sister in Christ the other day that God has the power to keep her strong during her fasting times.. now here I am.. hmmmm.. Thank you though.. I know there is something in that verse I am suppose to be focusing on.. or why else would God give it to me mulitple times.. Thanks Again Brian!!
OMG DeAnna.. I look like a beaver in this picture.. lol
I don't recall having teath like that.. lol Thanks for the photo.. (((HUGS))) Here is mine.. lol
ML...glad that the PA got to the root of what was going on! Take care of yourself only have one very precious body that is sometimes a very delicate balancing act after wls!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Yes so I am learning.. lol Thanks Janine.. (((HUGS)))
Thanks Diane.. you know eating small meals through out the day has always been ok with me.. of course my small meals b4 surgery could of probably been a whole meal.. lol now its like two bites.. lol.. but it keeps the levels even and the energy up..