How has YOUR Secert Pal been treating your
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
There are some definite flakes on this SP thing. I have not said much about it, but I have only had 3 shout outs on the board and I feel there was not much caring in them to be honest.
Although I am having a ball being a SP to two special people here and decided that by far it is better to give.
I did this on good faith that people who signed up would at least follow through with ecards and shout outs on the boards. That was the main intention and if you wanted to go the extra mile then sobeit. I realize a lot of you are GOOD SP and that pleases me.
I think what I should all the people who have had their SP flake on them....please contact me. I am not going to call the flakes out and I would like to think they flaked for a reason rather than being "flakes".
So if your SP has done you wrong....please contact me at [email protected] and I am going to take all of us and make a new draw called "The Sisterhood of Forgetten SP's".
I am dead serious about it boys and me and I am going to make a draw for us!
Love you all and I am sorry that this has happened to you.....lets just make the 2nd time a real charmer!!!!
I also want to say that in spite of you being flaked on, I am very grateful that you have integrity and honor a committment. It shows and shins about the person you are!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
But I dont want to give up my pal. I am having fun with her. I thought about and you can not do that. Or some of us would have to have 2 SP because we all have one now.
YOU repeated many many times about what a big committment this was going to be and do not committ if you could not keep it up. I was thinking maybe the person who has me, don't like me?? and maybe she/he dont have the heart for giving when its someone they dont like. I am ok with not getting, I just feel bad of others.
Not know who I have, I worry that something might be wrong with them or there family.