Healthcare Partners IPA Reqs?
Yes, please pass on my appreciation to Diana. You both helped me be fully prepared for my doctor visit. I did walk away with the coveted referral to the bariatric surgeon (pending HMO approval).
Armed with the info you led me to, my doc. agreed (grudgingly) that there is no medical reason for me doing their mandated 6 month diet, that delaying theatment was not the standard of care and that only the surgeon could decide if I was a candidate for the surgery so it is appropriate that I be able to see the surgeon now and ask my questions directly.
My PCP actually got quite pissy and appeared to be quite uncomfortable interacting with an informed, assertive, fat, female patient. (Not sure exactly which of my qualities rubbed him the wrong way this time, but lets just say finding a new PCP is on my to do list.)
It is kind of comical now, but in the moment, I am sure my jaw just dropped to the floor when he resorted to commenting that "It IS a free country, you can go and get the surgery on your own if you dont want to follow the rules like everyone else." Little stinker, huh!?!
That Diana friend of yours, pass along a high five from me! My insurance may be changing at the end of the summer for me and I have bariatricx surgery coverage now but not sure about after the change. So for me, waiting the six months would have probably achieved the insurance company goal of delaying me till I'm not their problem anymore. Now, that has been thwarted, thanks to you both.
While not surprised, I find it frustrating your PCP took this attitude with you. Of note, your PCP apparently offered NOTHING to contradict the fact that DIETS simply don't work for about 98% of us. I think it wise you might be considering looking for another PCP in your future.
If you're really put off with the diet mentality, I hope you have at least investigated the DS as one of your surgical options. Please see my previous post....,4806/cat_id,4406/topic_id,3574697/a,messageboard/action,replies/#28142450
Good luck with what ever treatment choice you choose and kudos on standing your ground.
If you're really put off with the diet mentality, I hope you have at least investigated the DS as one of your surgical options. Please see my previous post....,4806/cat_id,4406/topic_id,3574697/a,messageboard/action,replies/#28142450
Good luck with what ever treatment choice you choose and kudos on standing your ground.