A bit of the Irish Luck Monday to you all!
Well sounds like grandma nene has been having a wonderful time with those grand babies. Feeding them food for the first time can be a riot to say the least. I always love that part also.
.... As for my tests, I am just frustrated to say the least. I'm sure I told you that they found the 2 ulcers at the top of my pouch, which he is treating with Carafate and prevecid for that. Also the stoma is enlarged from how it was after my surgery 3 1/2 years ago. The dr. said it was a lot bigger then it should be.
...... When I did the barium swallow the dr.told me that my colon looked awful. Now he told me this just before I went under for my colonoscopy.
.... That was rather disturbing, he kept saying how terrible it looked and he never thought that it would look like that.
......... When I woke up from the proceedure he tells me that my colon looks wonderful nice and pink and nothing wrong.
........Now that's weird as I know when I was doing the barium swallow even the dr. that reads the xrays agreed that my colon looked terrible, so it wasn't a case of mixed up xrays. The tech even thought it looked terrible and that's why she had the dr. come in and do an ultrasound also why I was doing the barium thing.
........ But after the colonoscopy and everything looked good from that he was really stumped. The biopsy's cqme back with what he said was possible crohns disease / ulcerative colitis / diverticulitis / IBS which I have had IBS for years, Oh well, So I am taking the meds and suppose to see him again on the 14th of April. I know he's a great GI dr. but I am really getting confussed.
....... Nothing new there.
.... So that's where I am at there. Both dr's want to talk about revision but they don't want me to talk to my original surgeron, which I don't understand why. So I am thinking I will call the GI DR. and find out why he doesn't want me to inform my surgeon of these findings.
....... My biggest concern at the moment is my weight and if these other 2 Dr's. don't want to get on board then I will talk with my original surgeon..... I want the weight off. It is getting increasingly harder for me to get up everyday with all the aches and pains that I am having from the gained weight. .... I am using my daughters computers as both of my laptops have taken a dive on me and one is still under warrenty and is on it's way to be fixed. I don't know what happened just now that what I am typing is now underlining. Talk about being techno challanged.
Plus I am use to a 17 inch laptop with a ten key and this one is 13 inch with just the basics and I keep going over the mouse pad and everytime I do something different happens to this stupid thing. I may be typing and all of a sudden it's typing 4 or 5 lines above where it's suppose to be.
So if I drop out of sight for a few days or so you know it's because I am with out a computer and have thrown my daughters computer into the fireplace..
...... OK enough rambling with underlining. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and everyone here!
Take care and have a wonderful day!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Top O the Mornin to you California! (I love how everyone is Irish today.)
I finally get to catch up with everyone after a long, long, long weekend. (I don't always get computer access on the weekends)
Later this morning I'll put up my pictures from the Long Beach Coffee. I got to meet Janine! What a surprise!!! As always the gang at the Long Beach coffee took over Starbucks like a swarm of paparazzi with all our cameras. I'm glad that you're ok Shira, sorry we missed seeing you. Just drive safe, ok!?!
Thank you for all the clothes Janine! I was missing pants in those smaller sizes and now I know I'll be covered. I've been so fortunate that I have not been without clothes through this process so far. The OH community never ceases to amaze me with the support and friendship it has for everyone.
I had to leave the LB Coffee in a hurry to pick up a friend to go to a party where we watched the big boxing match on pay-per-view. It was a good match, made me want to put on my gloves.
Oh......and my scale is moving again. I've dropped about 5 pounds in the last few days and I'm not sure how I did it. I just hope it sticks and that the scale keeps dropping. I have a weigh-in and measurements with my trainer coming up this week and I want to be ready. If the numbers aren't good he works me really hard. :(
Go easy on the green beer and enjoy your St. Paddy's day!!!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too Janine and all of the Cali Crew! Work is busy today so I just got a chance to post again. I had a great weekend and can't wait till next weekend and the L.B. coffee. Janine your grandbabies are so sweet, you are very lucky to live so close and see them so often!
Hugs, Lisa...