update....today sucked!!!!
Today was a really sucky day and I was scheduled for a mamogram today and the doctor and the gal that scheduled it screwed up and made the appointment for the wrong type of test. My obgyn found a lump in my breast and wasnt sure if it was something new or scar tissue and I was suppose to have a diagnostic mamogram and they scheduled a regular screening. When I talked with the clinic they got all high and mighty and sarcastic about it.
The tech kept telling me she knew what I was feeling and I finally got snotty back and asked her if she had ever had cancer, she said no so I basically told her to shut up and quit saying she knew what I was going through.
In the end they told me there was nothing they could do. So I had to go through my oncologist and get his opinion and thankfully he said he would order the right test with out me having to make an appointment to see him before the mamogram. I spent most of my morning crying
because I really thought I might find out if it looked like the cancer had come back or not. Cancer center is suppose to call me tomorrow to let me know when my apt is. So,.....................lots of prayers....I WANT WLS
!!!!!!!!!! and keeping the rest of my boobs would be nice too!! Ok...I am done with that...on a good note a few people have asked.....my smoking is going good....wanted one today but didnt!!! Still trying to find a substitute for it. Tomorrow Brian and I are going to go see Mama Mia...yeah!!!! and Sat we are hosting the family's March birthdays...last count was 26 people. Woo Hoo! Ok...sorry for the length of this. It was either type or clean carpets...
.at least I dont have to worry about sleeping on the couch
(Cheri) Brian has not had tha much of a problem ....yet.

Annette~~ I am saying a prayer for you. I am waiting for the results on an Ultrasound biopsy, so I know how scarded you feel right now.
I don't know which center you went to but I went through Sequoia Imaging a part of Kaweah and the staff from the front to the back was wonderful. The nurse has called me daily yes weekends even over the last two weeks. The report should be in Monday and she said she will call me first thing.
In the past I have dealt with the one on Court st and the lady at the front desk is a real b***h and no she wasn't having just a bad day as I have had to deal with her for my Bone Scans. Again know I am praying for you and feel free to call me if you need to, Brian has or had my number but just in case I will PM it and also copy this messege. Jenn
Jenn ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!