My doctor, gp, wants me to get on a regular exercise program before I get to any surgery. I think exercise should be a four letter word. I'm not too good at Scrabble. I belong to a gym.... not that I really go any more. I went back in 2006 very faithfully and it didn't really help. It didn't improve my attitude nor did I lose any weight. Of course I was going through a really awful time in my life. I was beyond depressed. Would need to invent a new mood word for my emotional state.
i just noticed u were from t.h........ i live in modesto but i own a salon in sonora..... i had surgery 2 weeks and 2 days ago so im still in the what in the heck did i do stage...lol however ive already lost 35 lbs ,,, thats right 35 lbs in 2 wks and 2 days............ if u have really thought out the whole surgery thing and u know that u know its what u want then do whatever it takes,,,,, it took me 2 yrs of jumping thru hoops, 3 insurances and numerous classes etc including a 6 month phone class i had to take..... it was brutal... but even at 35 lbs lost and feeling pretty much like crap im glad i did it,,,,,,,,,, ,,
Hi ya...
I understand about going to the gym I don't like the big gyms. 99.9 % of the girls here at this one are underweight and make me feel like poop. So I joined the YMCA. They offer just as much as the meat markets. ..... er the gyms and are never crowded.
Or if going to the gym is out, try walking. Any type of exercise is what the doctor has ordered. So aftger dinner, take a walk and take the whole family with you.
What ever you decided to do, best of luck with it.