Happy TGIF Cali!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh to utter that 4 letter acronym TGIF!!!!
It is a blustery morning here in the desert and from what I understand it is going to be a super nasty weekend. How can that be? We are going from 90+ degrees that it has been (and totally digging it) to the low 60's on Sunday....super brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
I am really behind in my board reading, so I am not too sure what is going on. I tried to read a bit yesterday, but had great difficulty so I just gave up!
I really do hope that everyone is okay.
So what are your plans for the weekend gang??? I wanna hear all the good stuff for sure!!! Oh yeah and if you are gonna say you have to be responsible...at least try and find something to balance responsibility with some fun too!
Have a great day everyone and be safe out there!!!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Good morning Janine and Cali!
TGIF for sure! I'm today is just busy enough at work to fly by.
No big plans for the weekend. Sammi and I might drive over to Lompoc on Saturday for a clothing exchange. We also have the usual responsible stuff, then Sunday morning is Pancakes for SammiCakes. I am looking forward to a fairly mellow weekend as the next 2 weeks are going to be crazy busy.
Stay warm Cali and TGIF
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Hi everyone, checking in from the lower left hand corner of the State...definitely happy TGIF!!! Whatta week....I was hoping for Friday by the time Tuesday rolled thru...we may come up to the Long Beach coffee...if the weather is ok, no taking chances in driving the freeways if it's raining. Our next door neighbors are having a birthday party with like 22 people and most of those are kids...we were hoping to excape...LOL Anyhow, we got Sirius radio in our new car, and we've been having fun exploring that...we're easily amused...
LOL Take good care everyone! Kim

Good morning all
Happy TGIF to everyone.....
I have a pretty busy weekend on the agenda - Saturday running around with my sis and her grand daughter then an impromptu LB coffee gathering on Sat afternoon - SHIRA is in town and wants to see everyone (separate post to be made after I finish here) then Sunday I am off to Banning with my sisters to go to my uncles memorial get together. He passed in November and his wife and family decided to just have a "party" to celebrate his life on what is his birthday. Where the heck is Banning anyway? I am bummed out hearing that it is going to be cold this weekend cause Ihad a new outfit all ready to wear for Sunday that is very springy and for hot weather - oh well, guess that will have to change darnit.
Janine - I am so glad that Ava doesn't have to wear her monitor anymore - I can't even imagine how that must be for a baby - I know how it was for me when I had to wear the cpap machine for years....which I no longer need thanks to my surgery...woohoo.
To all my BB9 friends - so what do you think huh? Think they will get out Sheila or Ryan this week? I really think Sheila has screwed herself up.....lol
So everyone have a great weekend