It is hard keeping my mind off of.......
I am down 51 lbs total, and 8 since surgery (1 week). I drink hot tea, broth, SF pop sickles, and have tried SF pudding (runny), but I am now craving food. I have to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 weeks, and I can not wait for mashed potato's, mashed avocado, mashed veggies, mashed beans......I would think that this is the worst stage of the whole process.......My girls are going to have egg salad........I can't wait until I have mashed eggs..........OK. OK..........I am walking good, but very board..........It is so hard to keep your mind off of food.
Take care,
Oh, Miss Ladybug....girl I feel your pain!! I had to do two weeks post op of clears and thought I'd lose my freakin' mind!! Try to take your mind off of it by whatever means It's worth it, it gives the new tummy time to heal, it's totally necessary. It'll be worth it, don't worry! Hang in there....xo Kim
That was the absolute hardest stage for me! I was literally crying! I would watch survivor, and totally relate to how hungry they were, but then of course they got some kind of feast that just made me envious!
I would also watch "You are what you eat" on TV, and when they were showing all the junk food it was supposed to look gross, but it looked delicious to me! LOL!
Well, all I can do is validate your feelings! I posted a very similiar message, and got lots of support, but several people tried to assure me that I was not really hungry, it was all in my head. Well, in retrospect, I can say with all certainty, I was HUNGRY! What's cool is that when you can eat that little bit of mashed food, it will be amazing how after 1 or 2 bites, you'll think "I am stuffed! I couldn't possibly eat another bite!"
You are so right. I did not realize how many food ads were on TV while I was home after surgery it seemed like there were more food ads than shows. I "convinced" my son to go buy me a single side of mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC at around 2 weeks out. I had real food and felt better and went back to what I was supposed to have. I knew it was soft, no worse than yogart or cream soup really, and it would be ok. Sometimes it helps to have that one little bit of something. Of course I couldn't eat the whole thing.... my dog LOVED me right after I started eating food again because he got everything!
Hang in there, it gets easier as time goes on.
Hello Annabelle,
Have you tried cream soup that saved me the first 2 weeks. you said you are on clear lquid but the blue book they gave us the first day said protein based liquids if you look on page 30 it give you some good ideas of what you can have and cream soup is on there it saved me when my family was eating.
Hi girl. Keeping your mind off food is the hardest part. I remember when I was just about 2-3 weeks out and I literally dreamed of Carl Jr. french fries. In my dream I remember dipping my fries into ketchup. Now that's bad when you actually dream about food! Also, everytime a domino or pizza hut commercial came on my mouth watered. It's all in your head girl. Anyway, it gets so much better. I haven't had 1 fry since surgery and fries were my weakness. Hang in there and you are doing awesome!

Jaime C.