Did anyone post opers go through this...
I am now 4 months out and am finding the I am depressed all the time. Nothing makes me happy. I am getting worried that i will have to go on to meds. I don't want to do that. Did anyone experience this? Also I am finding that I dont' want to move to the next size cloths. I want to stay in my cloths. Did anyone got through this? Any kind of responses would be great. Thanks so much!
Hi Willa,
I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I want to send you tons of hugs and love your way. I had to go get help after being so darn depressed so I know how you feel. Now I am having a hard time throwing/giving away my old clothes that don't fit me anymore. It's like a part of me wants to hold onto them "just in case" I gain my weight back and need them.
I hope you get better and get out of your funk. For me, I didn't get out of it so I had to seek meds and professional help for my depression. I am so glad I did and very happy now. I am very content and in control over my emotions and feelings. For the first time in my life I feel like I have control in my life. I wish the same thing for you and more!
Sending you BIG hugs. Keep your head up girl. You are doing great and try to keep positive.
Love you,
Jaime C.

Hey Willa,
sorry you are feeling that way- actually I have felt just the opposite since loosing weight- I feel so much better that I am noticing how much happier I am- I can't grab the "big clothes" and get rid of them fast enough. You have had a lot of changes in your life in a short time- maybe your still trying to catch up with everything. I remember you were really happy about loosing the weight? Maybe you are afraid of how life changes when you are thinner and you don't want things to change- relationship wise? Don't let youself feel like that too long- I urge you to talk about your feelings and maybe a good therapist could help with the issues?
best of luck, Chris
(deactivated member)
on 3/11/08 5:39 am - Long Beach, CA
on 3/11/08 5:39 am - Long Beach, CA
Hey, Willa...
I didn't have that thing about not wanting to move down in sizes, but, I DID have that depression thing you describe...
for me, I think it was hard to "lose my best friend", that is, FOOD. So, instead of being able to eat whatever I wanted and "feel better" from that eating experience, I actually was left to FEEL MY FEELINGS....
Sometimes, I would stand in the kitchen crying, knowing that this was the room where I used to find the answers to my emotional overloads...but, now... no can do.
Going through this tough time with Dad, I feel it again at times... I fantasize about big meals I'd like to have... but, I can't. Now, I recognize it sooner...it's emotions! Now, we have to feel them! And deal with them!
Whether you choose meds, counseling, prayer, exercise, or some of all of that.... you will find the perfect way for YOU to deal with things now that eating is not the answer...
hope that helps...
see you Saturday?
I did go through that depression/anger thorughout my first year. I did not do medication, BUT I know many who have used them and it worked for them. What I DID do was go through therapy for the first year+ to deal with alot of the emotional stuff. It truly helped me at that time.
I also became actively involved in three support groups to be around people who could sympathize with my loss (of food).
Dr. Nazarian made us promise to get therpay for a year, and so... I did. It might help you overcome some of those issues that are affecting you now.
About the clothes... get rid of them. Don't buy anything new until you are stable. For over a year I lived off of my support group's hand me downs and when I finally went shopping I found I was a size 12 and then I stopped until I was a 4. I shouldn't have gone overboard there lol because I am a 6 and have been there for the past 4 years, and yes... I did donate my size 4's (sigh) because I knew I probably wouldn't gt back to them. Don't sabotage your tool because of this longing to keep your old clothes. just be aware that you are shedding - pounds and clothes.
AND, truly know that many of us have been through a similar experience and, not only have we survived, but we also continue to LOVE our tool. You will too, because this will soon pass.
Feel free to PM if you need to chat
Willa, just a couple of things to consider. After the excitment of my surgery lasted a while I too got depressed. It took me a while to figure out what my issue was. I had lost the most important things in my life (or I thought they were). I lost my best friend, companion and love. I lost my main source of dealing with pain, loss, emptyness and happiness. FOOD. I was no longer able to use food to comfort me, keep me company and celebrate with. I was mourning the loss of these things. I had to find new ways to cope. And the hardest thing of all was the loss of my best friend. I was really scared and felt helpless. The great thing is though that in time I found a new best friend................ME.......... And I am so worth it. I still struggle with my grief on occasion as we all do when we lose something so dear to us. But my new best friend and I work through things together. I am not saying this is your issue but just wanted to put this out there for your consideration. I hope you find the source and are able to work through it. YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Hey Girlfriend
Hang in there - you have had so very many changes in the past 4 months. Just know that all of us are here for you....but DON'T keep the big clothes....get rid of them - thats whay I am doing. Other than the pants and top I came home from the hospital in - those are the only "fat" clothes I am keeping. but me being the clothes HO that I am I love shopping for smaller things....at least Ishop at cheap \places.
Give me a call any time you need or want to talk...I should be home all day tomorrow except for going to the pool for a workout.
Love ya my friend
I kinda understand not wanting to change sizes any more. I had several pairs of jeans that I had paid over 60 each for them and 10 each to get them hemmed and I cried the day I realized that they were too big. Actualy for me I completely passed wearing them as I thought that I wasnt small enough. It sucked but I got over it:) I have since replaced them with plenty of cute clothes. My closet was really bare bones until I reached a size 2 and Ive stayed there for 5 months. Ive gradualy built it up with freebies from my local freecycle, lot's of clothes on ebay (excelent way to get alot of different peices pretty cheap) and sales at stores. Best of luck!!