Good Twisted Tuesday Morning to you all!
Good Morning Janine and all my cali buds
I am up and at em this morning and feeling a little stressed because is TAX day - I have my appt to get my taxes done at 9:30 and I am a tad nervous - I always hate this time of year. But then after that is a good thing - getting my hair trimmed and weaved - trying to let my hair grow - I need a new style for the new me.....if I can handle getting through the yucky stage - you gals all know what I mean.
Other than that not alot going on.....I never did get to the p ool yesterday - slacker that I was.....but I did get in a wal mart run and got a couple pairs of capris - and let me add that one pair is a 16w and it almost fits......not quite yet but won't be long.....OMG - I can't even TELL you when I could even get that size on - I can get them all the way on but they don't quite button yet - but only about an inch away - heck 6 mos ago they wouldn't have even gone past my knees, I am so loving this.
also got some white capris to go witht he new top I got Sunday at kohls that was NOT a plus size - a regular size xl from the regular size dept....OMG is all I can say.
So, time to go have a cup of java and read the paper before I have to get in the shower to face the tax man......cross your fingers that I don't have to pay - OMG....
Hope every one has a great day.....and Janine - as always, thanks for all the updates and always thanks for the shout outs. You are awesome and I would love love love for you to be able to make the drive out for coffee next Sat afternoon - that would be so awesome.............
Hugs to all
Steve-o by the way - you are looking SO great.....
Jodi - hang in there my friend, we are all here for BB9 bud
Monica P - you hang in there to girl - I am so glad your stall broke....isn't shopping just so much fun now
Good morning Janine and Cali!
What a beautiful day it was here on the central coast yesterday. Wish I could have gone to the beach instead of work!
My little SammiCakes would love it to be your mini SP! She gets so excited when something comes in the mail for her. I often give her the junk mail to open. She's so funny.
Did you get the results of Ava's sleep test yet? Keeping her and your kids in good thoughts and prayers with that. Thanks for the recap of the boards. it helps keep me updated with everything going on in OH land when I get too busy to be online as much as I would like.
Here's to a terrific Tuesday everyone.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Morning Teach...
PT really hasn't been doing much for me, unfortunately. I have one more visit tomorrow with him and then have to wait until my appt with the Neuro surgeon on the 27th to see what happens next. I have been in such a funk in the last week and I am really starting to question if this pain is all in my head. I know that sounds crazy- because I HURT...but, I just dont know how to explain it. I know that being in chronic pain can lead to depression and I am not sure if that is what is going on or what. I just can't shake the funk and I HATE IT.
Yes, it will be great to have Mike home. It is also bittersweet since we will have to say goodbye ALL over again...I think that is adding to my funkiness. He has been gone 6 months and we will have to try to get accustomed to being around each other again and as soon as it becomes "doable", he will have to leave again for another 6 months.
As much as I hate the idea of surgery, I am hoping that it comes to fruition so that we can get him back earlier. I am sure that sounds crazy too.... My biggest fear is that I will go see the neurosurgeon and he will tell me that I am not a surgical candidate and that I will just have to live with it (something that doctors in the past have said to me).
ugh. I have lost all motivation to do any school work and I am so glad that spring break is next week and I can take some time to relax and not worry about that and have my family help out with the kids. I am just not looking forward to that drive! There will be LOTS of breaks. Oh, and here is something funny....we have had our van for almost 2 years and the other day when I was driving back from Fresno and uncomfortable- I noticed that "hey- you have CRUISE control"....der. So, being able to get onto cruise control and finding a way to be somewhat comfortable driving, was nice. I am such a dork.
Anyway- as much as I dont want to- I need to get some math done. This stuff is getting harder and harder and since I will NEVER be an architect or builder of any sort, I find that a lot of this
**** is just NOT applicable to every day life. Oh well. Gen Ed stuff blows.
have a great day california.....
Vicki M
Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!
Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Hi Janine,
The time change was a welcome change for me as I was waking up at 3:30 a.m. Now, I'm waking up to my 5 a.m. alarm!!! YIPPEE!!! The gym sure was busy last night... must be due to the time change... a few of the regulars were there... didn't know most of this crowd. Got a spectacular workout in... TTL!
As for Saturday... I'm meeting with friends at noon in Rancho Mirage... a former co-worker (Brian the country singer) and a sales guy (who digs me) and his wife and kids... lol... I'll fill you in...
Any how late afternoon on Saturday would be good for me... how about you? I could drag my friend Bev along too. Okay, let's get together!!!
The time change was a welcome change for me as I was waking up at 3:30 a.m. Now, I'm waking up to my 5 a.m. alarm!!! YIPPEE!!! The gym sure was busy last night... must be due to the time change... a few of the regulars were there... didn't know most of this crowd. Got a spectacular workout in... TTL!
As for Saturday... I'm meeting with friends at noon in Rancho Mirage... a former co-worker (Brian the country singer) and a sales guy (who digs me) and his wife and kids... lol... I'll fill you in...
Any how late afternoon on Saturday would be good for me... how about you? I could drag my friend Bev along too. Okay, let's get together!!!
I was hoping you were not doing much because I wanted to drive out to LB, but not alone....oh well! Have fun. I am going to see Paula Cole at the McCallum Saturday I am spent on time and then have to be at a friends for ST Pat's the following day...when does it end I ask!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Good Twisted Tuesday Janine & Cali Crew,
that is a great way to describe how my back feels- TWISTED- I think the weather is kicking in the arthritis which is never fun. Goodness Janine, can't those whose use your room keep it the way it was- how rude! Isn't it fun toting the little ones around- but it is alot harder then I remember huh? Oh and all of the carseat, booster seat- airbag rules- Jeez- it can drive ya crazy!!!! Please let us know about the results of Ava's test!!
Today is going to my Dad's ortho appt with him- he had a hip replacement over a year ago and ever since then he is having major siatica problems- so I want to go with him to hear what they have to say about the MRI- I know how it is to suffer with the back but I do HATE to see him have to have any surgery.
So glad you talked to Diane, she needs all of us now to boost her spirits- it is terrible to rehab especially when your a clean nut- I am just like her and after my surgeries I would be in bed and could swear I could see dust in another room- yeah I know crazy!!!
Make it a good day, Chris
Janine, YOu are the bomb! I just have to tell you that. THe time sure goes by quick with this time change! It's already almost 1pm and I am replying to the good morning post
Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day. It's beautiful out today and planning on playing catch with my son after work.
Love you guys,

Jaime C.