Finally got Consultation!
I've been a looker for a while now and didn't want to aks too many questions because I have not officially been cleared for the surgery through my insurance. I have been going through a six month educational program through my medical group. I have finally finished the class and my primary doctor sent in the authorization to be cleared to see the surgeon. On Friday I received the authorization in the mail to call and schedule my consultation with Dr. Quilici. My appointment is on 3-26-08 at 12pm and just wanted to know what the process is from there to get my surgery date. Thanks!
Hi there
Well I think things have changed a lot since I had my surgery with Dr. Q. I didn't have to go through a 6 month course when I went. But one thing that probably hasn't changed and that is that he is a wonderful dr. I can't really tell you the process anymore as I know it has changed. I did want to welcome you to the board here and let you know that if you go with Dr. Q you will be in great hands.
I had no problems after my surgery, no real pain to speak of.
You should really will be happy with him. Ask all the questions you have, he will be more then happy to listen to you and answer them all.
Have a terrific visit and enjoy your day.

Thanks Jodi!
I think the only reason I had to go through the 6 month educational course was for my insurance to approve me for the surgery. I guess it's the thing they require before you even see the doctor. I'm really nervous and ready at the same time but don't want to jump before I get through all the requirements still.
Now that makes sense about the insurance.
I think we are all nervous at one point and I think it's really normal, but I tell you once you talk to the Dr. and get all your questions answered you will still be nervous..
No I'm just kidding. You really will feel a lot better. Have faith in your surgeon and you will do fine. And don't think there are any stupid question and not ask. Iff you have a question ask it. You must remember those dr.s have heard it all. They also understand your nervousness and insecurities and want to know everything about you and your fears. It will really help him to explain things to you. If you don't understand something tell him just that and he will explain it until you do.
I'm sure you will do fine and soon we will be saying Angela has got her date. Yea Yea
Have a wonderful afternoon and an even better tomorrow.