Do U ever?
This is me Do you ever even when you are doing great and felling good loosing weight and putting on cloths that you never in you life thought that you would again because you where to big, still not feel like WOW look at me I am looking good feeling good but something is missing I don’t know what I lost over 100 lbs am buying cloths that I can get at any store and everyone says you look great but I don’t feel what they see. I don’t think I am depressed because I have everything I need and want I love my wife and boys and life and everyone in it. So what is it I am not sure does anyone else feel like this, as I write this I am still smiling and laughing at myself about this so sense of humor I still have but I just can’t put my finger on it. For all of you on the CA board I am also going to post this on the main board to get more feedback thanks and have a great week God Be with you all.
Hi! I am just an amateur shrink here.. :-) And to be honest.. I havent felt *exactly* like that but this reminds me of the friends I had in my 20's... they thought as soon as they got the man of their dreams, life would be amazing and life could realy start. Then after a couple of years of married life... well life was pretty much the same as it was in a lot of respects. Weight loss is like that... we all think all the time..:If I just wasn't fat, everything would be AMAZING! Then we lose weight and OMG!! Amazing things do happen.. but... the way we feel about ourselves and what we do is really the same.. And we perceive it as an emptiness or a void...
Okay.. maybe I am way off base here.. just a thought though. If the feeling persists,maybe talking to someone professional to gain some perspective would help. And maybe someone smarter than me here can help you more..
or... heh.. maybe I just like the sound of my own typing and will keep answering questions...
Best of luck to you my friend...
Dr. Bertucci is great he is very firm but helps out when ever I need him. I think he is one of the best a NMCSD. Well thank for you info and am doing better today I just think I need to take some time off and take the wife out for a quick weekend trip just the two of us without the boys. I work at NMCSD then work at Sea World part time and as soon as the SD Padres start I work for them and go to massage school every Tues and Thurs. So I might have some time issues. Thanks all for your input have a great day all and a great week God Bless.
At over 2 1/2 years post op- I STILL have days that I think I am that fat girl. I dont know if those feelings ever go away. Some days when I pick up my size 6 or 8's, I think that there is no WAY my fat a$$ will get into them...yet, here I sit in my size 6's.
So, I think that what you are going through is totally normal. We got accustomed to seeing ourselves so big for so long- that to see ourselves in any other way, can be difficult.
Just my dos pesos!
Keep on smiling!
Vicki M
Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!
Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
I'm almost 3 years out and still live a lot of days as the "fat guy." I see the craziness of it all and make jokes about it saying things like "oh, sure... blame the fat guy!" - the fun side to this is when my friends, students, or my own kids say... "um, yeah.. but you're not fat!"
Bad days come and go as well and I still have skin that can look a lot like a pot belly... grrrrr... I was just talking to a friend about having this stuff removed - but I know that taking off some excess skin isn't going to change my brain. So I keep looking for the sunny side of stuff - I try to follow the program and exercise so that I don't go backwards - and frankly, the exercise (running for me) gives me time to think about stuff.
Keep smiling and laughing and asking questions about stuff... you are definitely not alone!
C h e e r s,