Good Monday Morning Cali!
Aw...Jodi...thanks! I am so glad that she had a great was all worth it!
You will apreciate this...several of the kids watch at dinner my husband pulled up the live feed on his cell phone and we gave updates of what everyone was doing...very fun!!!!
By the can hijack anytime...
Have a great day...and I am thinking that we are gonna get to say good bye to james on Wednesday...what do you think????

Good Morning Janine and Crew!
I! I miss Diane around here for sure!!! I hope that she is doing great, not having too much pain, and will be back with us before too much longer!
My love and ((hugs)) going out to everyone who needs them today, it seems there are a whole lot of people going through stuff lately!
As for my weekend, it was pretty good, took it for myself mostly. Stayed away from the computer, did a little shopping, did a little crafting, and relaxed! It was much needed and I feel much better this morning than I did by the end of last week!
I think Chris and I are going to start saving up to move. Our landlord is just a pain in the butt and I had to deal with him threatening to raise the rent again yesterday (do it already!!!) and I just want to be out of his house and not dealing with him anymore! The fun part of this is choosing where we want to go. I think we are ready to get out of the valley, maybe a little further inland? Maybe closer to Long Beach? We'll see when were ready in a few months I guess!
Anywho...I better get my booty in gear...there was an accident on the freeway this morning and I got here WAY late!
Everyone have a FANTASTIC day!!!!

I! I miss Diane around here for sure!!! I hope that she is doing great, not having too much pain, and will be back with us before too much longer!
My love and ((hugs)) going out to everyone who needs them today, it seems there are a whole lot of people going through stuff lately!
As for my weekend, it was pretty good, took it for myself mostly. Stayed away from the computer, did a little shopping, did a little crafting, and relaxed! It was much needed and I feel much better this morning than I did by the end of last week!
I think Chris and I are going to start saving up to move. Our landlord is just a pain in the butt and I had to deal with him threatening to raise the rent again yesterday (do it already!!!) and I just want to be out of his house and not dealing with him anymore! The fun part of this is choosing where we want to go. I think we are ready to get out of the valley, maybe a little further inland? Maybe closer to Long Beach? We'll see when were ready in a few months I guess!
Anywho...I better get my booty in gear...there was an accident on the freeway this morning and I got here WAY late!
Everyone have a FANTASTIC day!!!!

Happy Monday Janine and Cali Crew,
sounds like my kind of weekend Janine, time with the grandbabies!!! My oldest (5) spent her usual Friday night with us, our g-son stayed until bedtime and then deceided to go home with Mommy because we were ready for bed and he wasn't!! With having 2 girls we are sure enjoying him and all of his "boy behaviors"- he is 2 1/2 and came over with his spiderman Dvd- on this spiderman gives lessons on all of his tricky moves- and he knows everyone of them- it was so cute!
This weekend was just busy for us- Saturday I worked in the yard and planted some plants and some of my garden plants- I just love being in the yard! The weather was just so beautiful and I am enjoying life sooooo much more being thinner!!!!!!! Sunday was grocery shopping and visiting with a friend for awhile.
My heart goes out to Janel who just lost her Father, I can't even imagine, also for Lori C who is going through a hard time with her Father too. They both are such strong women and I know they will both be strong.
I agree with missing Diane, I called her a couple of weeks ago but need to bug her again- the board is not the same without her!!!
Make it a great day, Chris
Good Afternoon - just checking in. Weekend was soooooo eventful I don't remember what we did other than on Sunday we bought a BBQ for $25 at WallyWorld, my youngest put it together, we threw some coals on it and BBQ'd steak, just he and I. That is a first in my house. I have never bbq'd by myself before. It was always Mike or Jeff.
I was proud of Gary. He is a bbqing machine. He wanted to throw everything on that grill!
Happy Monday - have a great day all!
xo xo xo