OT Secret Pal Thingie
Hi Everyone who is participating in the SP Thingie!
It has been brought to my attention by more than severl people now who are participating in the exchange that the are not hearing or have heard from their SP in a while now. For some it has been a month.
Now I know most of you are excellent about taking care of your SP, but for some reason if it is too hard for you to come here and at least post a "Hello note...I am thinking of you....how are you doing" kind of thing....would yu please let me know so these people do not feel left out and I can hook them up with other people.
I know that life gets in the way and I would rather people say hey I cannot do it with no excuses needed....just say it is a bad time or whatever....I will understand and so will the person who drew your name!!!
I wanted this to be a positive experience...and like I said for the most part it has been....lets just keep it real okay everyone???
contact me at [email protected]
Secret Pals Rock |

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
OMG that does not seem possible that Kaden is that old already!!!! WOW how times does fly around here! Are you planning a big party?
My grandbabies are doing well. Ava had her sleep apena test again this weekend and we should know by the end of the week if she will continue to be on the monitor. Her mommy said that she had no episodes in the hospital. Ava is 6 months now I think.
Hunter man...OMG was he Mr. Cranky pants yesterday....I spent the literally the whole day with him...it was a lot of fun and you know cranky or not....I was in hog heaven. He is 2 months old already and hs mommy just went back to work for the 1st time yesterday.
I have to post pics!
Great to hear from you and I want to hear how Kaden's big boy birthday went!! GIve he a big smooch for me!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
It is pretty fun for sure watching people taunt it other is a way....I know I am curious as all heck myself and get great pleasure seeing people be good to each other!!
Hope all is well with you!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).