30 days pre OP ....Ideas needed?
I know I am asking a ton of questions but I really want to make sure we cover as much ground as possible before the surgery.
I been thinking we need to start maybe trying some different protein and getting some food in the house for us so we aren't running around after. any Ideas?
Any prep I should do in my cupboards or fridge etc?
Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Brenda and George.
Word to the wise. Don't buy to much stuff or protein as your taste can very well change big time after the surgery.
Just make sure you have SF/ Jello and SF pudding cottage cheese, SF/ popsicles, SF/ fudgesicles, Salsa, salsa in scrambled eggs help the eggs go down. other wise with out the salsa omg did my stomach hurt.
Just know that with protein you may like it now but not latter.
Have a wonderful weekend
I'm not sure what you mean by any prep in the kitchen before surgery?
oh an one thing you may want to get is an ice cube tray as each cube is one ounce and that's about all the broth you will be able to consume at one time in the beginning. By pouring your broth in the ice cube trays it makes it easier for you or who ever is helping you to know how much to give you plus it doesn't go bad. Just pop one or two out, what ever you want and microwave it.
Let me know what you meant OK
you know that's a good idea. but do yourself a favor really and try and learn to live with things that you already have. I have always used a salad plate for my meal plate. It's just that there are so many people in this house and it's just me that had the surgery, so i sort of learned to live in the bigger world with smaller appatite. The strange thing about this is I have never really eatin large amounts of food and I have always used the smaller plates, forks, juice size glass and such. I really don't know why I gained so much weight other then my choice of food.
But until you go in for surgery I would try using all the smaller things to get use to it. That way it won't be a shock, you will be use to it.
I found the most useful thing was the ice cube trays. already know it's an ounce and so I never wondered how much i was getting.
Keep asking questions right up till the time you go in so you will be mentally prepared if nothing else. honestly it helps you to know you have asked everything you can think of.
If I think of more I will let you know. But never hesitate to ask your questions, there is no such thing as to many questions or stupid questions, cause if you don't know you don't know.
love ya lady.
have a wonderful weekend.

I didnt do anything extreme- just bought some chicken broth, SF Jello, SF Popsicles, a billion cases of water, Protein Bullets, Unflavored protein and Nector (Fuzzy Flavored)!
A lot of people say that your tastes change...so far, mine have't so I was safe in the protein department. For some odd reason, I have no desire for Chocolate or Vanilla flavored shakes right now...so Im sticking to the fruity ones made with water.
I LOVE the 42g Protein Bullets because they are smaller then a normal protein drink and I can get them both in rather quickly. I space them out- one for morning snack, 1 for dinner.
SF popsicles were a life saver for me...still are but some people have problems with the cold on their pouch (FYI) so be careful.
Unflavored protein is great to add to thing when you are in the soft foods stage. I mixed it into Chicken broth and it was one of the best things I drank when I was first out of surgery!
I like drinking the water out of the 16 oz bottles because I can pull out 4 bottles, put them on the counter and know how many I have left to drink for the day...that's my stupid human trick!
Good Luck to you guys!

The Many Faces of WLS

Ok- the PROTEIN BULLET is called New Whey Liquid Protein by IDS. It has 42g of protein. Go buy 1 first and see if you can tollerate it before you buy a bunch of boxes. The Fruit Punch tastes best in my opinion....
The Unflavored whey is called - "Any Whey" and it's made to mix into drinks and to be added to food. It has 17g per serving. I like to add it to SF Pudding.
I didnt clean out the cupboards because I was already on a food program for a year and a 1/2 before the surgery PLUS my daughter still has to eat!
I will be going to the Kaiser Panorama City group which is for KP patients only. I heard that there is one at West Hills Hospital (I was invited to it- call the surgeon's office who works out of there) and there's another one run by a Shrink named Monica Ganz in Woodland Hills.
Good Luck again!

The Many Faces of WLS