Gripe of the day Post!!

My gripes are as follows:
1. My son's father is very selfish- he doesn't want to take my son to baseball practice tomorrow morning (it's his weekend, he gets him every other weekend). He says it cuts into "his" time. WTF this isn't about "his" time it's about my son wanting to play baseball. How selfish can a parent be? How is it cutting into "his" time if he takes him and is with him during practice. Practice is only an hour and a half. Anyway, my son dosen't want to miss practice nor should he have to because of his lazy selfish dad.
2. My hair is falling out and I am going bald.
3. Work is boring and a no brainer kind of situation, need something more challenging
Those are the top 3 right now. Hope everyone has a great Friday!
