A Wow moment.
Hello all hope all of you are doing great and having a great week well it’s hump day and I can see the weekend from here. Well I have had another WOW moment this weekend and yesterday. First this weekend I had purchased some Lucky Brand Jeans a few months ago and I wear them on weekend I tend to dress up more for work so jeans I try not to wear at work. Well I put them on and too big a size 38 too big fist I have not worn 38 since my twenties I am a lot older now well off we went to Lucky brand again and purchased size 36 slim now I told myself and my wife never did I think I would be a slim again ever well I purchased 36 slim and they fit great. Then went to BR and purchased shirts no more XXXXL or XXXL or XXL or XL no I am not L and they fit great now get you I am six feet five and did not show my old weight much but now everyone that has not seen me says is that really you? I went to buy my family bagels this weekend and have not be their since Nov right before my surgery and the guy behind the counter looked at me and did not recognize me until I spoke my voice is very recognizable once you hear me speak you know it me very deep so after he asked me for my order he took a few seconds and said I know you what happened too you, you look great. Instead of telling the whole surgery story I just said I had some help and diet and exercise he said wow I need to do the same he wanted more info but too many people to air out what I had done so I told him I would come back and have a cup of coffee with him and we can talk. Well for my other Wow moment that came today I stepped on the scale and am at 227 last week I could not get out of the low 230 ties but now upper 220 ties I will take that any day. It has been a hard journey especially for us that are limited to what we should eat and what we can eat, I have a lot of friends social and at work and I don’t know how it works for you guys but when people what to do something it revolves around eating and drinking like lets get a beer or lets go to dinner and of course when you don’t eat too much oh come on have some of this or that and until you tell them no I can’t and say why they don’t seem to stop. And I love to watch sports when I can and all you see is food, beer, car, more beer commercials I am getting used too them but just being four months our it still hard not too want to go our and drink or eat at least for me but it’s getting better especially now that I can buy what every I want to wear and not have to go to the BIG and BIGGER store and pay a lot more for your cloths. Well enough of your time I just had to write this it was going to be short and sweet but I just went on and on. Sorry. one more thing now when do we ask for the century card at the time we started our journey or when we had the surgery? If anyone can let me know thanks you. I also posted in the main forums so if you see this thier no need to read that one.
