Whacky WeighIn WeDneSdAy!!!
Happy WWW Janine &Cali Crew, sorry I havn't been on the boards much for the last week- had houseguest from Washington- we were busy bees but I am not complaining, down 3 this week- I think from all the shopping!!!! Congrats to Monica and baby Jordyn what a beauty! Make it a great day, Chris my new pair of jeans were getting to baggy so I was able to trade them in for a "16" pair of capris for the spring- also I am able to wear XL tops and pants in the regular section now- it is sooooooo cool!!!
Well, I am the same weight I was last week. The deal was to lose, but I suppose you can't CHEAT if you want to lose, can you? The personal trainer just disappeared before we ever met. I heard that he had to start overtime at his regular job so maybe that is why he never came. So I have started walking Muttley. The path we walk is one mile around my neighborhood so I get up at 5 am amd walk him three laps and then I walk him two laps sometime after getting off at work and getting dinner done, etc. No fears, next week I will be down, down, down.
**disclaimer** newbies do no be discouraged but at the same time take note - I am four years out from surgery so remember you MUST COMITT for LIFE.
Hugs to all of you
That's awesome hun!! Weigh to go!!! Now pick the new SYSK...it's time to turn over your tiara...lol

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~