Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! It's hump day! The week is half over and it's all down hill now till the weekend! WOO HOO! How'd you sleep. I know I slept like a rock. Nothing like a good nights sleep!
Our challenge for today is to chill. Chill? Yes! Don't get so uptight. When we get uptight, stress kicks in and when we are stressed, our life gets harder. Why make things worse by getting all stressed and heated up? Just take a chill pill as we use to say. There's a lot of truth in that. Chill out. Be relaxed. Sometimes, we have to relax, sit back, and chill instead of trying to fix things. When we try to fix them, we get more stressed and make matters worse. So today, I dare you to just chill out!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some AWESOME Gloria Jean Butter Toffee Coffee from Helen Maree in Austrailia. Hellen, this stuff is the bomb! Thank you again! Sure wish I could share a cup with you. With EVERYONE! It sure is good!
Ya'll have a safe, fun, blessed, and CHILLIN' Wednesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"