OT again: more dad news
on 3/1/08 10:02 am - Long Beach, CA
HI, all...
Just an update....dad's stomach is NOT healing from where the gastric-tube (feeding tube) was removed. Whatever he eats or drinks dribbles out of the wound... gross... and scary... the tube has been out since Thursday... had been in for about 9 days...
He is still in the hospital, now with a colostomy bag over the wound to catch all the yuck...
He is not getting any nutrition except through the IV ..... can't take anything by mouth.
My mom and I are hoping to meet with the doctor tomorrow morning between 9-11 am when he comes in and does his rounds.
Pray that we meet up with him... that he has some darn good HELP available to fix this problem...that dad gets better...
thank you so much...
Lori and family....
on 3/1/08 9:07 pm - Long Beach, CA
on 3/1/08 9:14 pm - Long Beach, CA
Lori if there was ever a God, I surely hope that he hears the prayers to heal your dad. I am so sorry that your dad is having to endure all of this. I really do pray that someone can help him soon!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).