Pain Control Suggestions??
So I was an idiot this weekend and sliced my fingers real good. Have a bunch of stitches and some cuts that cant be stitched. Needless to say it hurts like HE!! Well thay gave me Percocet for at night. I am taking Tylenol Cold Medicine for an upper respitory infection, so I am getting Tylenol. So is there anything else I can take for pain during the day while at work? I am in a brain fog, I know we arent suppose to do Motrin, Advil, Aleve, SO what is left? Am I forgetting anything? Any help or suggestions are appreciated!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
It is true that we should not take Ibuprophin long term. I had a similar situation (stabbed myself in the hand and had 8 stitches) and asked my surgeon's office. They told me as long I don't take it long term, once in a while is ok. Now that is my surgeon's opinion. Yours might be different. Why don't you call their office and ask.?
Hope you feel better soon.

Hi Nikki,
I am so sorry you hurt your fingers...I am hurting just thinking about it...ow!!!
I was going to tell you the same think Sheryl said...I too had a similar thing but it was with my back and Tylenol was giving me no relief. I called my surgeon and he said I could take Ibeprofen (sp?) as long as it was not long term...too much can cause us to have tummy ulcers and such. I took 800mg 3x a day for a couple of days and it gave me great relief. Call your surgeon and might be surprised. I hope it feels better soon!!!
Ouch Nikki,
I hope that you are finding some relief by now. Just remember this, Aleve and those type of meds, take away swelling, tylenol is for pain. I was told once, to alternate the two, every 4 hours and it worked pretty good. Mine was for a different kind of pain, but it's certainly worth a try.
Take care, Diane