Monica, Monica, Monica!!!

Sheryl in So Cali
on 2/18/08 12:07 am - San Clemente, CA
Today is Monica W's birthday.    Birthday Song    Make A Wish  I know you are going to have an awesome year.  With the birth of your daughter right around the corner, a new home (eventually) to move into, you are going to be a busy girl.  Take some "me" time today and enjoy your birthday. Love you lots. OK, Cali gang, let's jump to Monica's support page and wish her a Happy Birthday. N=W1088265063 XOXOXOXO Sheryl

Anna H.
on 2/18/08 12:25 am - La Puente, CA
Good morning Sheryl, Done
Jodi W
on 2/18/08 1:05 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA
Good Morning Sheryl Thanks for the heads up on Monica,   Done Have a wonderful day! Jodi

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

Janine J.
on 2/18/08 12:00 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
 Birthday Babies YOu scared the holycrapola out of me....I thought you were going to say Monica was in labor!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you again Missy Monica!! Birthday Song  Birthday Gifts  Birthday Banner  Birthday Balloons 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

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