Good Sunday Morning Cali

Jeni H.
on 2/17/08 1:04 am
Good Morning Janine! I hope you feel better real soon.  I too have the back nerve thing going on.......It just gets "old" after a while but I am trying to stay positive!  I am having an MRI done this Thursday so hopefully I will know more then of what's going on behind me! I have both of my grandson's here this weekend.  They are 8 and 5!  They are too darn cute, and I love just sitting back and listening to them talk.  That sweet innocence, and sometimes they just crack me up!  Right now they are playing Monopoly, their own version of course!  hehehehe Yesterday we did a major house cleaning, weed pulling, etc... so my DH is off to the golf course and I think I may just take it easy and maybe venture out to do a bit of shopping as long as my back allows..........  I need a bit of "Jeni" time as well! Have a great day, take it easy, and just enjoy the day! blessings!

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Lisa B
on 2/17/08 2:51 am - Riverside, CA
Okay Janine...back pain must be in the water cause I am dying today with back pain. I don't know what the heck I did...but have been up half the night just trying to get comfortable...ugh! I gave in this morning and took some Motrin...I know...we are not suppose to...but Tylenol does NOTHING for back pain!!! I am going to go soak in the hot tub here in a few and hope that gives me some relief.  Girfriend I hope your is better today! I thought about you yesterday and was going to call you cause we went out to La Qunita to visit my parents so they could meet their new "granddaughter" Whitney...but with us having the dog and all I really couldn't see how I would be able to catch a visit.  We had a good time and the weather was beautiful! Whitney did not know how to react to my parents 2 new boston terrier puppies..they were very wild and just wanted to be near her all was so cute. Maybe you , me and Vicki should start a back pain club... I hope we all get some relief soon!!! Have a good rest of your 3 day weekend!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

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