Completly off the topic but I had to share this!!
Ok so you may not know but I had to share this.. its my personal WOW moment.. God bless you all, and he does do just that!! I lost my son Baby Daniel 14 years ago today. Well about 6 years ago maybe longer I was driving down the road when a song by Savage Garden came on on the radio. Half way into the first verse I was pulled over on the side of the road in tears. This song so touched my heart and reminded me of my Son.. I knew I loved him way before I met him.. I had been waiting all my life for a son.. a thousand angels dance around you.. and I will love him all my life!! I sat there for some time and cried and that day officially I knew I loved you had become my song from me for my son. Well a couple years later I was asked to sing at a memorial convention for mothers who had lost thier children to Anencephaly (this is how I lost my Baby Daniel), It touched so many hearts and became a song that often you will hear on memorial sights for Children lost. Every year it never fails on this very day I hear that very song. Well here is the amazing part.. today I was browsing the net for the song, came across a web site that let me download it so I did. Had it on on my media player.. and across the bottom is reads off imformation about the song.. it said and I quote this.. 'Various artist preformed' Next flash 'Daniel Jones (Composer)' I almost fell out of my seat. If you don't already know Baby Daniel's last name was Jones. So it all comes so clear to me now... As he says hello from the heavens..
All these years I thought I picked that song for my son.. Now I see the truth.. that emotional day on the road, Daniel picked that song for me!! I have yet to me meet my boy, he never took a breath, but I know he is in Heaven's arms loving me.. even before he meets me. Angels are all around me daily protecting me and keeping me safe till the day I can hold in my arms the boy who's heart is always a part of mine!!

on 2/16/08 7:37 am - Long Beach, CA
This is just amazing... God bless you today, and happy birthday, Daniel!! I'm passing your story on to my friend who lost her little girl, Marina, to trisomy 13 (I may have been 18).... love to you today... Lori

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay