Happy TGIF Cal!!!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Morning Janine and Cali board!!!
Yesterdays weather was crazeeeee for sure. It snowed in parts of San Diego (Ramona and Alpine) and last night heading north on the 15 about 5:30 was the most beautiful sight, wish I'd of had a camera. The sun was shining in a small part illuminating the mountains that were covered in snow!!! It was breathtaking!!! I don't even usually notice those mountains, but they were gorgeous!!! Then when we got off the freeway and headed east there was a rainbow against the dark gray sky. Too cool sights within minutes!!! Thank you God!!!
So, I had a great VD yesterday. Mike's and my 25th anniversary is tomorrow (wow, hard to believe!!) and I told him he had to plan our day because I always do and frankly we know I can plan a romantic day, I wanted to see what he could do. After 25 years he should know what I like to do, right? lol So he decided we were going to do our thing on Thursday (his day off so there was less crowd than Saturday). Well he didn't realize it was VD, but that is ok. So the rain killed half of our day, so we get to extend it to tomorrow.
So yesterday we went bowling (I haven't bowled in many years because of my knees, but we use to bowl together and he still does bowl a league now). We bowled 3 games and had a blast!! The good news is my knees were fine!!! The bad news is I still suck at bowling!!! hee hee Then we went for an early dinner at Black Angus. It was great, we actually shared a meal (he isn't so good at that yet) and we fought over what way to make the steak. (a good fight lol) He likes med-med well, I like blood rare-med rare. He insisted we get it my way and he would be fine. What a guy!! I took a little steak out of the middle for the rarest part and it was a great meal and we were both satisfied, him even full to his surprise!! lol We had the house to ourselves too so we watched our taped Grammys and then...use your imagination, but can I just say "SKINNY SEX ROCKS!!!!" lmao
So tomorrow we will go stroll at Seaport Village (one of our faves) and go see a movie; with Starbucks in there somewhere. (mind you, he HATES coffee and that was his idea because he knows it is my fave!!!) Ok, so he is romantic afterall, I knew he could come up with great stuff if I made him do it and HE DID!!! I love him sooooo much!!!!
So, that is our weekend plans and we are kidless till tomorrow evening so maybe some more skinny sex!!!
I hope you all
and especially if it is a 3 day weekend for you!!! Don't spend too much money shopping!!! biggest hugs and love, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick

Well this is a late Happy Friday shout out because we got up early and had breakfast at Mimi's Cafe (Gus took the day off to extend out Valentines ) and then we headed over to the Happiest Place on earth (besides my bedroom
Yesterday Gus took me to dinner at Shogun's and we had a great time.
Tonight we are going &
What a great start to a wonderful weekend. We have a family party this weekend and some out of town family is coming in...it will be good to see them.
Be safe and have fun,