Happy TGIF Cal!!!

Janine J.
on 2/14/08 6:51 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Happy TGIF and for sure it could not have come any sooner!!! YAY for that 3 day weekend too!!! I trust all of you had a great Valentine's day and spent it doing someting with someone you love....hey just being with yourself is okay too!!! I had the pleasure of watching both of my grandchildren last nigth while my son's and dil's went out to dinner compliments of mom and dad. It was a lot of fun having both of them together....Ava was very curious about Hunter. Anywho...how was that wild weather yesteday???????????? We had snow in Palm Springs although it melt as it hit the ground. OMG it was FREEZING and it still is!!! So what is on your agenda for the weekend gang? Fun things I hope....little shopping...probably a whole lot of good sales since it is PREZ day on Monday! Any other plans? Have a great day everyone.....I am tooooooooooooo cold  Too Coldto sit here!!! PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Living Life
on 2/14/08 8:29 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning....

Its way to early to be up and moving, but I need to take Kevin grandma to the airport. Yay! Then I am spending the day with a friend.

OK time to hit the road.



on 2/14/08 9:07 pm - Long Beach, CA

Good Morning Janine and Cali, Yesterday was great as I took today off so it was my friday at work.  Didn't even tell the kids i wasn't coming.  After work I went right to the air port to pick up Wesley.  It's great to have him here.  Unfortunately with nothing to do but visit because still no house.  But we are going to do a walk through this morning and then shop all day for the things he needs. Tomorrow he will do some work on my mom's house while me and my mom shop for Jordyn.  Although she has tons of cute clothes she has very little practical needs stuff inculding a bed.  The rest of the weekend will be spent packing and throwing lots of stuff out.  My birthday is monday but no plans.  Everyone enjoy the weekend Monica

Jean L.
on 2/14/08 9:11 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and the rest of you Cali peeps So Janine - where are the new pics of Hunter and Ava from last night?  I thought I might get up and see their darling little faces?   Not alot planned for me this weekend - just going to dinner tomorrow with my sister and her family for her birthday - to Lucilles - OMG yummy and I will end up having like probably 4 meals out of the one.....thats the good thing about this tool of ours. Sunday nothing planned - just staying warm - I am going through a total cold thing right now and with the weather being cold as well - I am FREEZING most of the time. Everyone have a great TGIF and enjoy the weekend. Hugs to all
Janine J.
on 2/14/08 9:40 pm, edited 2/14/08 9:40 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Didn't get pics of Mr. Hunter Jean because he was a snoozer bear last night,but here is a pic of Missy Ava: DSC_0003-1.jpg Ava Valentines Day 08 image by JanineJshe is getting to be quite the chunka munka one!!! Hard to believe she was the little squirt she was when she was born!!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jean L.
on 2/14/08 9:42 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
All I can say is OMG - she is ADORABLE - I just want to give her a big squeeze and smooch.....you are so lucky.....
Janine J.
on 2/14/08 9:46 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
I really am lucky and I know this...I smooch on her constantly...Hunter for that matter too. Ava is getting those rolls on her legs and I swear....I just eat those up for sure!! Funny how their personalities mimick their parents big time. Hunter is a total kick back baby and easy to please....Ava...OMG can we say I like and demand to be the center of your universe???? ROTFLNevertheless I love the both of them to piece like I do my own son's. 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Sharon Johnson
on 2/15/08 12:00 am - Marina, CA
The babies are gorgeous!!  You sure are such the proud grandma as you should be.  I know that no one is used to seeing me on anymore but I have been so busy with work and some personal issues that it has been taking up all of my time lately.  I am caught up now at work and actually am going to enjoy having 4 days off.  I am going to be doing some spring cleaning and working in my flower bed, the personal issue is working itself out as well.  I have reached the 100 lb gone marker finally and am enjoying life now more then ever.  I have also said goodbye to 67.25 inches.  For my sons birthday coming up we are going to see the A's in a spring training grame right behind home plate.  He is excited about going and I can't wait as well. Have a great Friday,  Sharon

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

christine mats
on 2/15/08 12:17 am - oceanside, CA
Good Morning  TGIF I need a weekend right now I have to work on Monday but I'm not taking a day off till next Friday for my Birthday so I get to sleep in and stay warm ,, I have some plans but I cant decide what I want to do so I will play it by ear I still have lots more housework to do but if its nice outside I dont want to be stuck indoors  Well the sun is out still very cold so bundle up and  keep warm  Happy Friday to all! *Christine*
Monica P.
on 2/15/08 12:53 am - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with

Good Morning California!

*sigh* Babies are the best Valentines, they don't fuss very much and you don't have to buy them flowers. *swoon*  My single co-worker said that her 1-year old nephew was her Valentine.  :)  I was a little jealous.

No big weekend plans yet.  Next week however...is a total lunar eclipse which is kind of a big deal if you are an astronomy nerd like I am.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!

Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

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