SYSK Dethroned
It is official. I am turning in my tiara per the exhausting conflict with Diane. I apparently "do not want to get into a ******g contest with her", so I figure this is the easiest way to make sure of it. I do want to clarify a few things though. "If you both had paid a little better attention to the posts on the board, you are not that new, you would know how this worked before. " - I actually didn't become active on the boards until around November or December. I had never even heard of the SYSK or POTW until when we started it in 2008. So, I did not even know there were rules. "As for you, you have been around long enough that you should have told her when she picked you again, that you just had it, instead of accept it." -Nor did I know that I should be rude and turn down the honor when it was given to me the second time. So, to those of you who left me great support messages this second time, I'm sorry they were given to me, as they should have apparently gone to someone else who was more deserving. So, in my last act as SYSK for the week, I would like to give over the tiara to none other than she who apparently knows how this should TRULY work, the one who will give it to those who actually "DESERVE" it (because apparently neither myself, Tiffany or Denise did)... you guessed it..... THE ALMIGHTY ONE DIANE Congratulations Diane!!! I can think of none better than you who deserve this. Please, stop by her page and leave her some support everyone, since she has shown nothing but that to all the rest of us... Oh.... wait...
And for future reference, please exclude me from any of the SYSK or POTW honors. I don't want to be a part of something that doesn't actually support people.
April, if anyone ever deserved to by SYSK twice in one month, it is you! You are the kindest, most thoughtful person. You're so encouraging to everyone. You've dealt with all of this as tactfully as possible, and as usual, I respect you for it. We could all benefit from being a little more like you.
You know how after a president's term has ended, he's still called Mr. President for the rest of his life? Well that's how I feel about you. Regardless if your reign has ended, you will be SYSK for life!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Well..As I said here,messageboard/action,r eplies/board_id,4806/cat_id,4406/topic_id,3528623/ I don't agree or appreciate the way our fabulous new SYSK has chosen to deal with this little mix up. I'm not sure who died and made our fabulous new SYSK queen of SYSK but someone has and damnit I want her name so I can kick her butt!!! And being that you only chose me because I'm your "BEST" friend, not because I'm an inspiration in anyway and also because you just chose me at random I guess I don't deserve it. I think the person that deserves it is the person who told our last SYSK that she wasn't sorry for being so rude! She deserves it!!!!!! So April, awesome choice my BEST friend. I will be sure to hop right on over to her page and drop some words of support even though I'm not a supportive person because I don't post a lot on this board...And, let it be said that Diane did leave a wonderful message on my profile when I was SYSK and I really appreciated it so that is why I'm a bit weirded out by this whole experience but we all deserve to be in the spotlight MORE THAN ONCE in my opinion...Diane I really hope this is all just a misunderstanding and possibly just your frustrations magnified because I've always enjoyed reading your posts and seeing that smiling face of yours on your avatar. I just wish this could have been handled a little bit better. Being that I do consider these women my friends I take it personally as I'm sure you would if you felt your friends were being attacked. I personally let things roll off my back but not all of us are thick skinned so it is easy to misunderstand and take things the wrong way. Enjoy your time in the spotlight. Tiffany