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on 5/31/13 2:47 pm
Topic: RE: waitlist update

I am hoping it gets better, but I am not so sure anymore.  I am wishing I had the funds to go to Mexico, I would do it in a heart beat. The way I see it, is if the waitlist is so long, they need to re-examine how important this surgery is on the obesity community.  Just my 0.05 cents (pennies are gone hahaha).  I have waited a year and a half, whats another year and a half in the big scheme.... (Try to be positive me lol)

on 5/29/13 3:08 pm - vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: waitlist update
Just for the initial consultation.
It's a looonnnngggg time.
A lot of people I know are headed to mexico.
on 5/29/13 12:36 pm - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: waitlist update

Is that 3 years for actual surgery or 3 years for your first consultation?


on 5/21/13 3:44 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Waitlist times for west coast bariatric center
Your post was very helpful. Thanks for taking the time.
on 5/2/13 1:01 pm
Topic: RE: Waitlist times for west coast bariatric center

I think we all would be ok to wait the 1.5-3 years if we knew something was happening.  This waiting in the dark is ludacris.  I mean why not have them work with the physician to get diet and eating in control.  Psychiatrists etc.  Look at the pt more holistically rather than as a number in a list. It would be nice to know if they even received our referral.  They would also get less calls if they answered the basic questions and updated them on their web page. Just my $0.02

on 5/2/13 12:57 pm
Topic: RE: Waitlist times for west coast bariatric center

I put in my referral February 2012, well my doc did anyways


on 5/2/13 12:55 pm
Topic: RE: waitlist update

three years for a consultation, ridiculous!!!

on 5/2/13 12:53 pm
Topic: RE: Newbie



To be honest this forum is extremely quiet, and I find it a little frustrating at times.  Check out as well, it is very informative!  I check back here often for new potential updates, but it is really quiet! Cheers! If I ever get my call (lol), I will update everyone!


(deactivated member)
on 4/30/13 2:32 am
Topic: Newbie

Today I met with my GP and asked her for a referral to see Dr. Sampath for a VGS...she said yes :) I am very excited about this! I've read that wait times are long so during that time I will read the books and start my food diary...

To all of you BC posters "Thank you"...I'm learning a lot :)

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/13 12:24 pm
Topic: Puget Sound Bariartic Center

Hi there, first time here.  Thinking about getting WLS preferably a sleeve...has anyone been to the Puget Sound Center? Can you tell me your thoughts on your experience and the approx. cost.  Thank you

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