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on 6/26/13 5:44 am
Topic: RE: Newbie

Thanks Passel for the info, it has been really helpful!

on 6/24/13 5:00 am
Topic: RE: Newbie
Hi Peanut1,
I've now done really intensive research for the past 4 weeks, looking for the most skilled surgeon with the best modern and sterile facilities. It turned out that my preference was for a surgeon who practiced within a modern full-service hospital in case of any surprises. And I judged my surgeon by the number of sleeves he/she has performed, his success rate and the quality of the responses his organization made to my enquiries.
In the end this came down to Dr. Joya who practices in Puerto Vallarta in the Amerimed hospital, which is only 4 yrs old. I've been to PV before and really like the town and its way less scary re drug gangs than the border towns like Tijuana, etc. His contact person, Gerald, answers emails within minutes (not sure he ever sleeps) and is very clear on the medical and financial info he provides.
With Dr Joya, you can also buy into a fund ($500) that covers you up to $10,000 in extra medical services in case of complications. Not insurance, but kinda like insurance. He is also offering special rates right now. If you make a deposit on surgery during the month of June, you can book your surgery for anytime during 2013. The June rate is 25% off. A Sleeve package, including hotel and all the trimmings is under $7,000.
BTW, I also ckecked with my PCP and she is willing to assist me in aftercare. And I am getting tested (EKG, bloodwork, etc) to ensure I am good to go for surgery. It's a little weird to have to think about these things, given that we're so used to excellent care just falling into our laps here in BC, but I have a doctor in the family who is telling me what to check for.
Hope all this helps and good luck on your journey. I just know you'll be successful!
on 6/24/13 4:04 am
Topic: RE: VICTORIA to MX for Surgery! Support Groups?

Hi All,

I'm seriously looking at going to Mexico for vertical sleeve surgery.   How did your surgeries go?  Any adverse affects?  I live in the lower mainland and am hoping to go in October.  I've been doing a lot of reading and researching the procedure but haven't found many patient reviews on Mexican surgeons and hospitals.   Any info would be appreciated. 




on 6/24/13 3:50 am
Topic: RE: Newbie

Hi Passel,

Have you decided where in Mexico you are going and what Dr. will perform the surgery?  Im looking for recommendations in Mexico for the Vertical Sleeve.  Any info would help. 



Lori M.
on 6/20/13 9:07 am - Abbotsford, Canada
VSG on 05/16/13
Topic: Hello All!

I noticed how quiet this board was and to be honest I usually just do my daily check in at the VSG forum and completely ignore this one....sorry!  So, I thought I would post an update.

My highest recorded weight was by Dr.Leung when I was considering the LapBand about 9 years ago was 303. I didn't believe him, I still didn't believe him up to last summer. Once I started really looking at old pictures and accepting every part of myself, I believe him...actually I think I weighed more than that. 

Then I decided to start eating healthier...well healthier than I was. Last summer I went to first consult with Dr Nguyen weighing in at 283. 

Surgery was May 16, 2013 and I weighed in at 260. As of today I am 233! So that is a loss of 70lbs from my highest recorded weight!! Consider me happy! I still have a minimum of 80lbs to lose and through using this amazing tool, hard work and diligence I know I will succeed!

I see lots of different information being tossed around....mostly about wait times etc. From my Dr sending in the request to first consult was 8 months. During that time I researched everything I could about WLS, all of them and what would work best for me. From consult to surgery was 10 months. And it would have been sooner but I told them no appointments in December as it is my busy time at work and couldn't take any time off. Plus I had to have a minor surgery in January. Otherwise I probably would have had surgery in February/ March. Now, my time will be different than others because I accepted myself and my choices a long time ago. When asked how I felt about myself, I answered the truth. I would be my own friend.

Each step of this program is important and I truly believe that in BC...well in the West Coast Bariatric program, we are sooo fortunate. We receive the expertise of a  nutritionist, a physical exercise guru (by the way anybody can all them on their hotline, totally free and so helpful!) and an occupational therapist and a psychiatrist! Honestly what other "Diet" "lifestyle change" or whatever you want to call it makes you have therapy?? 

Hmmm, so that's my little update. lol
Take care all and hopefully we can get this board up and jumping again!



      HW 303  SW 261  CW 176

on 6/16/13 12:45 pm - vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: waitlist update
They're now booking for Feb 2012 referrals!
You're almost there!!
Sign up for the winning at loosing class! I did that last year.
on 6/11/13 5:55 am
Topic: RE: waitlist update

Hi Shutterfly,

I wish I could get a loan to help this out.  They shouldn't be able to play with our lives like this, literally! LOL.  My official referral date according to WCB is March 1st, 2012.  I have not heard anything yet, but I really hope to learn something soon.  I have heard that they now do an orientation before they even give appointments.  

By choosing to go to Mexico, I believe you will get better care there than here.  They are all private hospitals and I have heard nothing but good things about the experiences of patients there.  If I could afford it, I would jump on this opportunity.  

Keep me posted.



on 6/8/13 6:37 am
Topic: RE: Newbie
Don't want to be a drag, but my family doc just referred me to Dr. Sampath also, and said that several of her patirnts had great experiences and excellent care with him. The problem? BCMSP restricts the number of WLS surgeries so much, that it will be 2 1/2 yrs before they will even see me for my first consult. I have a friend who has been waiting for a total of four years for her sleeve surgery.
So I have decided to suck it up, find the money somehow, and go to the US or Mexico.
Best of luck with your journey and may everything meet your highest expectations.
on 6/5/13 6:38 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Topic: Vancouver June Weight Loss Surgery Support group meeting June 6th

Next WLS support meeting is this week June 6th 7:00pm to 8;30 pm at
Mt Saint Joseph's Hospital
Come in through the Prince Edward Street entrance take the elevator to the first floor
Turn left and a few doors down is Sister Germaine Conference room

This meeting is open to all pre-op , postops that are wanting support from postops and pre-ops,

If you want to be added to our monthly email list please email us at [email protected]

on 6/1/13 7:13 am - vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: waitlist update
I totally agree. Apparently their funding increased but who knows whats going on..I just wish they hurried up!.haha
My referral was in October 2012 and they're just doing calls for January 2012. I bet it will be another 2 years before I get a call. When did you do your referral? Hear anything yet?

I'm debating getting a loan and going to mexico, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to have the support system i would have if I did the surgery in Richmond.
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