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on 1/4/15 5:46 am
Topic: RE: panniculectomy



would you still have that email/form available I would appreciate a copy to ensure my claim is approved.



on 1/4/15 2:57 am - Canada
Topic: RE: WLS Vancouver Island and Active Support Groups

Hi there. Iam from Victoria. My surgeon is Dr. Malik. I have had my first appt. in December. So i have started my process. Iam lookig for others to talk to and share this journey with me If you are interested feel free to contact me


on 12/20/14 2:00 am - Canada
Topic: RE: WLS Vancouver Island and Active Support Groups

Hello I don't live in Victoria but I do live on Vancouver Island. Dr. Amson did my gastric sleeve Oct 15 2014.  He has long waits in his office so when you get your appointment make sure you have something to do.  I have had no problems with my surgery and literally the weight is just falling off. Contact me if there is anything I can talk to you about. I am new to the surgery but it was well worth it I think :) 


on 12/11/14 2:23 pm, edited 12/11/14 2:29 pm
Topic: Sharing my experience

I am writing this to hopefully help inform others who may be considering weight loss surgery about my experience as I go through the process. I initially received a referral to the Richmond Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Centre in the first week of July of 2013. I was told at the time that there was a 2 year wait list before the initial consultation. I was a bit surprised when I was contacted December 1, 2014 asking if I would be able to attend the orientation session on December 10, 2014 the following week. So the actual wait time for me was about a year and a half. During the orientation session we were informed that the wait time is still around 2 years for Richmond Bariatric and 7 years for Vancouver Island.

At the orientation, there were about another 15 people that were also called in for the initial orientation session. In a private room in the back, our pictures were taken for our files, and our weight and height recorded. Then we sat through a 2 hour information session where we were told more about what will be expected of us, and the different types of procedures offered. We were also given more information about what our pre and post-surgery diet would look like, and the risks and results typically seen with each type of surgery. At the end of the information session, we are then given 3 choice. Opt-in, Opt-out- or take up to 2 weeks to decide if we wanted to opt in. If you don't get back to them within the 2 week time frame, they will assume you are not going to participate and will discharge you from the program.

We were given a sign in package that we had to fill out if we wanted to opt in. The package also contained a list of recommended resources to learn more about the process including Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies (2nd edition), Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies Cookbook, and the Bariatric Surgery Lifestyle Manual and Cookbook (this last book is sold right on site for $10 each). They also recommended using a free app such as,, or to track food eaten each day. They also recommended some sort of a physical activity tracker such as a pedometer, fitbit, or some similar device of our choice. We were informed that they will do random nicotine tests on participants since you cannot be a smoker to go through the program.

For those of us who decided to opt-in, we lined up to make our next appointments at the end of the orientation session. We were given some forms to have some medical tests completed. These included being tested for sleep apnea, having some blood work done, an ultrasound, and bone density testing. My next appointment has been scheduled for March 19, 2014 where I am supposed to be meeting with an occupational therapist and a registered dietitian. We are informed that we have to bring our diet journal with us to each and every appointment, and if we don't have it they cannot proceed with our appointment.

Hope this helps give a little bit of information to those of your who may be unsure of what the process will look like. I plan on updating this post after my appointment March 19, 2014  and keep others informed as I go through the process. Feel free to ask me questions and I will try my best to answer them.

on 11/28/14 10:58 am - Canada
Topic: WLS Vancouver Island and Active Support Groups


I'm currently on the wait list to see Dr Amson in Victoria BC. I've been looking around but haven't been able to find many people from the area or Active WLS support groups. Does anyone know of any or anyone who is in the General area of Victoria who's had WLS or will be having soon? I'd love to really get some dialogue going, share stories and support each other.

on 11/28/14 6:07 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Is it normal?

Hi I am 5 weeks out and was exactly the same as you I had barely any discomfort at all after surgery right through full fluids, was starting to wonder if they did anything to me. I was excited to get up first morning of 3rd week looking forward to having an egg for breakfast instead of oatmeal. Ugh! it felt like I ate a rock. That whole 3rd week was a wreck. But my 4th and 5th week have been great. Just start slow on new foods, I know everyone says that but you really do need to take it slow. Good luck and enjoy the new slimmer you. And so what if you throw up I used to really really hate it but now if I need to I just let it happen and it always feels better after.

on 10/23/14 6:14 am - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: Regain and so depressed

Hi Elle,


I have a wonderful husband and a few good friends, but there is only so much they can do.

I'm cutting back on my Cymbalta and Lyrica (I also have Fibro).  My nurse pract. is anti drugs, and I'm sick of the

weight gains.

on 10/20/14 4:30 am
Topic: Has anyone had Sleeve Surgery done in Alberta

I live in BC but right on the BC/Alberta Boarder and I am wondering if anyone has gone to Alberta and if so what clinic takes BC MSP?


on 9/22/14 1:59 am - Canada
Topic: RE: MSP Coverage in BC

Look at the revision and lap band boards as well.  Lots of info there.  Seems that a lot of people have to have the band removed after 10 years or so due to problems.  So at the cost of a band (you said around $13,000) vs gastric ($20,000), you might reconsider.  Or look at Mexico; I believe in Monterray it's around $5,000 for roux-en-y......

on 9/22/14 1:54 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Private Surgery

I did.  I applied through the MSP out of country surgery and added a long letter as to why I felt I needed it, etc.  Don't think they do this anymore though; you would have to research it.  It was not privately paid by me but my MSP.

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