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on 2/18/15 4:58 pm
Topic: RE: 1 week since surgery

Hi karen26, how has your progress been so far? 

on 2/18/15 4:55 pm
Topic: RE: I am going out of my mind

Hi Chattycat50, how are you doing now with your cravings? 

on 2/18/15 4:13 pm
Topic: RE: My moment this morning.

I've sent you a private message

on 2/18/15 3:42 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: My moment this morning.

He has been physically unwell for several years now. He has a neuromuscular condition. He has become very sedentary. Struggling with depression as well now. Food has definitely become comfort to him. When iam working he has a difficult time cooking for himself. He often grabs things that are quick and easy. He has cut back on alot of the processed food. It used to be way worse. He is also a very picky eater. He has only a handful of veggies and fruit he will eat. I on the other hand love fruits and veggies. He also doesnt eat often enough, so when he does his portions are huge. He drinks alot of coffee and likes it very sweet. i guess we both have a long way to go. 

on 2/18/15 3:29 pm
Topic: RE: My moment this morning.

I understand what you mean. Maintaining weight loss is so hard, something so many of us struggle with. I think consistency is key and I think having support is so important. It'd be so great for the both of you if your husband was on board. What are his reasons for not making some lifestyle adjustments? 

Heather Q.
on 2/18/15 5:02 am - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: RE: Bariatric Support group in Vancouver

Hi Jody, sorry to disappoint you but that group at MSJ hospital disbanded a couple of months ago, due to poor attendance. There is a private group available on FB but you need to apply to join that one. Ask at Garrett Wellness and they'll direct you to it. That group has face to face meetings the second Sat of every month, one is due this Sat Feb 21. You'll find many people in varying stages of weight loss, attending. I, for one, am a Vet of WCB with Dr. Nguyen being my surgeon. Out nearly 3 years and 226 lbs down.

Good luck. Heather

on 2/16/15 7:22 am
Topic: RE: has anyone found a fill dr vancouver b.c or close

There is a wonderful Doctor in Vancouver who does fills.  Dr. Raymond McConville.  1175 Denman St Vancouver, BC V6G 2N1

Phone: 604-681-5338.


I have used him several times and highly recommend him.

on 2/13/15 1:15 am
Topic: Dr. Rana S. A. Khan

Hi folks,

I'm wondering if any of you have had surgery from Dr. Khan, or if you've heard anything about him?  He's new to BC - I think he came from Ontario, and I can't find anything online about him.

on 2/12/15 9:46 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My moment this morning.

Thanks Gwen. I know i have a long way to go. My weight has been a struggle for my whole life. I can seem to lose a certain amount of weight then i just gain it all right back. I guess iam needing to understand more about which carbs are good. If i eat too much gluten my bowel stops working all together. That is a tough one for me. Cravings and emotional eating are huge for me. i have so many things i need to change. If i think about all of them at once i just get overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed makes me wanna eat. It can be a bit of a vicious cycle. Iam also struggling with how to get my husband on board with healthy eating too. He needs to lose weight as well. So my journey will also benefit him. 

on 2/12/15 4:56 am
Topic: RE: My moment this morning.

You're welcome, I'd love to help! Be careful of what kinds of carbs you're getting rid of! Carbs break down into glucose and our body needs that for energy (the brain uses only glucose for energy). Eat complex carbs (like whole grains) so the glucose is released into the blood slowly. Or you can eat more fiber which helps with sugar levels too.

I know it's tough (I struggle with the same problem) but do make sure you are eating regularly. It prevents your body from cravings that you'll regret succumbing to! You'll notice a difference once you keep up a good routine. You're seeing results no matter the speed of your progress, keep it up! 

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