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on 4/16/15 7:14 am
Topic: RE: New here

Hi Everyone. My name is Daniel and I have just signed up here. I live in Surrey and have been seeing Dr. Zentner since last June. I signed up for the surgery last October and have my orientation next week at Royal Jubilee.

I am very fortunate that a friend of mine went through the surgery in Washington a couple of years ago. She has been a great help in preparing me for the surgery and what to expect both before and afterwards. I know that connecting with others who are in the same situation can be very helpful and sharing our experiences can help everyone. 

I look forward to getting to know you all.


on 4/15/15 3:03 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

I am currently going through the bariatric program at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. I live in Vancouver. I am a patient of Dr. Zentner. Started seeing her last September. I went to Royal Jubilee the middle of March for my orientation, Meet with Dr. Malik ( who I believe works from Royal Jubilee with Dr. Amson) I also saw the Dietician at that time. I was sent home with blood work to be done and an ECG. I also had to be tested for Sleep Apnea which I have mild Sleep Apnea. Now, I am waiting not sure what is next. I am hoping to have the gastric sleeve. I have lost 34 lbs since last October. Let me know how you are doing. All the best. It is a tough process but so worth it I believe. Laura Ballantyne

on 4/15/15 10:45 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

Hi there  Well i had my first appt with Dr. Malik on In December 2014. Got the date for the orientation March of 2015. Had the orientation April 1st. 2015. My understanding is that Dr. Amson has a much bigger case load than Dr Malik so it might take a bit longer. Just keep doing things that you need do to get yourself ready. The Bariatric Program is wonderful. Carla the nutritionist is great. I have another appt. with her and Dr. Zetner in June. Hope this has answered some of your questions. Good luck on your journey. 

on 4/15/15 10:21 am - Nanaimo, Canada
Topic: RE: New here
On March 2, 2015 at 3:50 PM Pacific Time, tamarag55 wrote:

Hello! I am new here too. I just went to my orientation in Victoria last week. I am in Port Moody. I've picked up the recommended guide book at Chapters and got my fitness trackers. I'm deciding about going to TOPS or not; there are lots of chapters around here! Got my blood work  and ECG done today, and just waiting on the referral to the sleep clinic to confirm I don't have sleep apnea. Excited and hopeful. I'll be around on here once or twice a week, if you want to chat!

best and good luck on your journey!


How long did it take from referral to first appointment for you? I have my referral sent 1 year and 2 months ago and I still havent seen anyone I know it takes time im just getting impatient LOL

xo Nicole B xo

on 4/15/15 10:19 am - Nanaimo, Canada
on 4/15/15 9:27 am, edited 4/15/15 9:28 am - Nanaimo, Canada
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

Hi there, Im just curious how long it took you to hear from the Bariactric Clinic in Victoria. I have my refereal sent from my Doctor to Dr Amson Feb 2014 and just found out about this new clinic and that my file has now been sent there. I dont know anything about the new bariactric program or how long its going to take for me just to see someone, not even sure what the first step is. Any help you can offer is much appreciated :)

on 4/15/15 8:54 am - Nanaimo, Canada
Topic: LOOKING for some people going through similar

I currently live in nanaimo BC my doctor sent in a referral to Dr amson Feb 2014 I'm still waiting of course, just talk to Dr amson's office and found out there is a new bariactric program at one of Victoria's hospital and my file has been sent to them, has anyone heard of this new program? I'm feeling so desperate to have the process started. The wonderful receptionist at Dr. Amson office did say I will hopefully hear something by June..... Anyway just looking for others going through similar process in Victoria or even BC. 

on 4/14/15 4:31 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Helloooooo anybody home..where are all the BC sleevers???

Haha! Yes - a really big ditch with bunker fuel in it now:(

Carla's the dietician I am seeing at Royal Jubilee. I've chosen to travel to Victoria as the wait time for Richmond is atrocious. You must be so excited. Congrats on losing that weight pre-op - well done!! How long do you have to follow the 'shrink your liver pre-op diet' for?

Enjoy the countdown

on 4/13/15 12:40 pm - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15
Topic: RE: Helloooooo anybody home..where are all the BC sleevers???

Hi Kim..from across the ditch lol. Carla is?? I'm day 13 of 22 day pre op..lost 14 pounds so far! Keep in touch ;-)

on 4/13/15 6:22 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

That is exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. I just saw Dr. Zenter again on Wednesday and she said my appointment on the 27th is the last box I need to check off before surgery. I'm on the list for whichever surgeon has a shorter wait, so I'm not sure who it will be! Dr. Z. also said I'd be having a sleeve rather than an RNY.

Happy to hear that you will meet with her on June 26th. She is a fantastic advocate for her patients, she understand the process and the difficulties we face as she has been there herself. It is tough love with Dr. Zenter - she's a no-nonsense, honest and encouraging woman.

Best of luck!


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